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// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/globals.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
V(AccessCheck, "Access check needed") \
V(NoReason, "no reason") \
V(ConstantGlobalVariableAssignment, "Constant global variable assignment") \
V(ConversionOverflow, "conversion overflow") \
V(DivisionByZero, "division by zero") \
V(ElementsKindUnhandledInKeyedLoadGenericStub, \
"ElementsKind unhandled in KeyedLoadGenericStub") \
V(ExpectedHeapNumber, "Expected heap number") \
V(ExpectedSmi, "Expected smi") \
V(ForcedDeoptToRuntime, "Forced deopt to runtime") \
V(Hole, "hole") \
V(InstanceMigrationFailed, "instance migration failed") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForCallWithArguments, \
"Insufficient type feedback for call with arguments") \
V(FastPathFailed, "Falling off the fast path") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForCombinedTypeOfBinaryOperation, \
"Insufficient type feedback for combined type of binary operation") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForGenericNamedAccess, \
"Insufficient type feedback for generic named access") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForGenericKeyedAccess, \
"Insufficient type feedback for generic keyed access") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForLHSOfBinaryOperation, \
"Insufficient type feedback for LHS of binary operation") \
V(InsufficientTypeFeedbackForRHSOfBinaryOperation, \
"Insufficient type feedback for RHS of binary operation") \
V(KeyIsNegative, "key is negative") \
V(LostPrecision, "lost precision") \
V(LostPrecisionOrNaN, "lost precision or NaN") \
V(MementoFound, "memento found") \
V(MinusZero, "minus zero") \
V(NaN, "NaN") \
V(NegativeKeyEncountered, "Negative key encountered") \
V(NegativeValue, "negative value") \
V(NoCache, "no cache") \
V(NonStrictElementsInKeyedLoadGenericStub, \
"non-strict elements in KeyedLoadGenericStub") \
V(NotAHeapNumber, "not a heap number") \
V(NotAHeapNumberUndefinedBoolean, "not a heap number/undefined/true/false") \
V(NotAHeapNumberUndefined, "not a heap number/undefined") \
V(NotAJavaScriptObject, "not a JavaScript object") \
V(NotASmi, "not a Smi") \
V(OutOfBounds, "out of bounds") \
V(OutsideOfRange, "Outside of range") \
V(Overflow, "overflow") \
V(Proxy, "proxy") \
V(ReceiverWasAGlobalObject, "receiver was a global object") \
V(Smi, "Smi") \
V(TooManyArguments, "too many arguments") \
V(TracingElementsTransitions, "Tracing elements transitions") \
V(TypeMismatchBetweenFeedbackAndConstant, \
"Type mismatch between feedback and constant") \
V(UnexpectedCellContentsInConstantGlobalStore, \
"Unexpected cell contents in constant global store") \
V(UnexpectedCellContentsInGlobalStore, \
"Unexpected cell contents in global store") \
V(UnexpectedObject, "unexpected object") \
V(UnexpectedRHSOfBinaryOperation, "Unexpected RHS of binary operation") \
V(UninitializedBoilerplateLiterals, "Uninitialized boilerplate literals") \
V(UnknownMapInPolymorphicAccess, "Unknown map in polymorphic access") \
V(UnknownMapInPolymorphicCall, "Unknown map in polymorphic call") \
V(UnknownMapInPolymorphicElementAccess, \
"Unknown map in polymorphic element access") \
V(UnknownMap, "Unknown map") \
V(ValueMismatch, "value mismatch") \
V(WrongInstanceType, "wrong instance type") \
V(WrongMap, "wrong map") \
V(UndefinedOrNullInForIn, "null or undefined in for-in") \
V(UndefinedOrNullInToObject, "null or undefined in ToObject")
enum class DeoptimizeReason : uint8_t {
#define DEOPTIMIZE_REASON(Name, message) k##Name,
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, DeoptimizeReason);
size_t hash_value(DeoptimizeReason reason);
char const* DeoptimizeReasonToString(DeoptimizeReason reason);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8