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================================================================== Notes regarding fonts, code pages, and East Asian character widths

Registry settings

  • There are console registry settings in HKCU\Console. That key has many default settings (e.g. the default font settings) and also per-app subkeys for app-specific overrides.

  • It is possible to override the code page with an app-specific setting.

  • There are registry settings in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console. In particular, the TrueTypeFont subkey has a list of suitable font names associated with various CJK code pages, as well as default font names.

  • There are two values in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage that specify the current code pages -- OEMCP and ACP. Setting the system locale via the Control Panel's "Region" or "Language" dialogs seems to change these code page values.

Console fonts

  • The FontFamily field of CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX has two parts:

    • The high four bits can be exactly one of the FF_xxxx font families: FF_DONTCARE(0x00) FF_ROMAN(0x10) FF_SWISS(0x20) FF_MODERN(0x30) FF_SCRIPT(0x40) FF_DECORATIVE(0x50)
    • The low four bits are a bitmask: TMPF_FIXED_PITCH(1) -- actually means variable pitch TMPF_VECTOR(2) TMPF_TRUETYPE(4) TMPF_DEVICE(8)
  • Each console has its own independent console font table. The current font is identified with an index into this table. The size of the table is returned by the undocumented GetNumberOfConsoleFonts API. It is apparently possible to get the table size without this API, by instead calling GetConsoleFontSize on each nonnegative index starting with 0 until the API fails by returning (0, 0).

  • The font table grows dynamically. Each time the console is configured with a previously-unused (FaceName, Size) combination, two entries are added to the font table -- one with normal weight and one with bold weight. Fonts added this way are always TrueType fonts.

  • Initially, the font table appears to contain only raster fonts. For example, on an English Windows 8 installation, here is the initial font table: font 0: 4x6 font 1: 6x8 font 2: 8x8 font 3: 16x8 font 4: 5x12 font 5: 7x12 font 6: 8x12 -- the current font font 7: 16x12 font 8: 12x16 font 9: 10x18 GetNumberOfConsoleFonts returns 10, and this table matches the raster font sizes according to the console properties dialog.

  • With a Japanese or Chinese locale, the initial font table appears to contain the sizes applicable to both the East Asian raster font, as well as the sizes for the CP437/CP1252 raster font.

  • The index passed to SetCurrentConsoleFontEx apparently has no effect. The undocumented SetConsoleFont API, however, accepts only a font index, and on Windows 8 English, it switches between all 10 fonts, even font index #0.

  • If the index passed to SetConsoleFont identifies a Raster Font incompatible with the current code page, then another Raster Font is activated.

  • Passing "Terminal" to SetCurrentConsoleFontEx seems to have no effect. Perhaps relatedly, SetCurrentConsoleFontEx does not fail if it is given a bogus FaceName. Some font is still chosen and activated. Passing a face name and height seems to work reliably, modulo the CP936 issue described below.

Console fonts and code pages

  • On an English Windows installation, the default code page is 437, and it cannot be set to 932 (Shift-JIS). (The API call fails.) Changing the system locale to "Japanese (Japan)" using the Region/Language dialog changes the default CP to 932 and permits changing the console CP between 437 and 932.

  • A console has both an input code page and an output code page ({Get,Set}ConsoleCP and {Get,Set}ConsoleOutputCP). I'm not going to distinguish between the two for this document; presumably only the output CP matters. The code page can change while the console is open, e.g. by running mode con: cp select={932,437,1252} or by calling SetConsoleOutputCP.

  • The current code page restricts which TrueType fonts and which Raster Font sizes are available in the console properties dialog. This can change while the console is open.

  • Changing the code page almost(?) always changes the current console font. So far, I don't know how the new font is chosen.

  • With a CP of 932, the only TrueType font available in the console properties dialog is "MS Gothic", displayed as " ゴシック". It is still possible to use the English-default TrueType console fonts, Lucida Console and Consolas, via SetCurrentConsoleFontEx.

  • When using a Raster Font and CP437 or CP1252, writing a UTF-16 codepoint not representable in the code page instead writes a question mark ('?') to the console. This conversion does not apply with a TrueType font, nor with the Raster Font for CP932 or CP936.

ReadConsoleOutput and double-width characters

  • With a Raster Font active, when ReadConsoleOutputW reads two cells of a double-width character, it fills only a single CHAR_INFO structure. The unused trailing CHAR_INFO structures are zero-filled. With a TrueType font active, ReadConsoleOutputW instead fills two CHAR_INFO structures, the first marked with COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE and the second marked with COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE. The flag is a misnomer--there aren't two bytes, but two cells, and they have equal CHAR_INFO.Char.UnicodeChar values.

  • ReadConsoleOutputA, on the other hand, reads two CHAR_INFO cells, and if the UTF-16 value can be represented as two bytes in the ANSI/OEM CP, then the two bytes are placed in the two CHAR_INFO.Char.AsciiChar values, and the COMMON_LVB_{LEADING,TRAILING}_BYTE values are also used. If the codepoint isn't representable, I don't remember what happens -- I think the AsciiChar values take on an invalid marker.

  • Reading only one cell of a double-width character reads a space (U+0020) instead. Raster-vs-TrueType and wide-vs-ANSI do not matter.

    • XXX: what about attributes? Can a double-width character have mismatched color attributes?
    • XXX: what happens when writing to just one cell of a double-width character?

Default Windows fonts for East Asian languages

CP932 / Japanese: " ゴシック" (MS Gothic) CP936 / Chinese Simplified: "新宋体" (SimSun)

Unreliable character width (half-width vs full-width)

The half-width vs full-width status of a codepoint depends on at least these variables:

  • OS version (Win10 legacy and new modes are different versions)
  • system locale (English vs Japanese vs Chinese Simplified vs Chinese Traditional, etc)
  • code page (437 vs 932 vs 936, etc)
  • raster vs TrueType (Terminal vs MS Gothic vs SimSun, etc)
  • font size
  • rendered-vs-model (rendered width can be larger or smaller than model width)

Example 1: U+2014 (EM DASH): East_Asian_Width: Ambiguous

                                        rendered        modeled

CP932: Win7/8 Raster Fonts half half CP932: Win7/8 Gothic 14/15px half full CP932: Win7/8 Consolas 14/15px half full CP932: Win7/8 Lucida Console 14px half full CP932: Win7/8 Lucida Console 15px half half CP932: Win10New Raster Fonts half half CP932: Win10New Gothic 14/15px half half CP932: Win10New Consolas 14/15px half half CP932: Win10New Lucida Console 14/15px half half

CP936: Win7/8 Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 14px full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 15px full half CP936: Win7/8 Consolas 14/15px half full CP936: Win10New Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win10New SimSum 14/15px full full CP936: Win10New Consolas 14/15px half half

Example 2: U+3044 (HIRAGANA LETTER I): East_Asian_Width: Wide

                                        rendered        modeled

CP932: Win7/8/10N Raster Fonts full full CP932: Win7/8/10N Gothic 14/15px full full CP932: Win7/8/10N Consolas 14/15px half(*2) full CP932: Win7/8/10N Lucida Console 14/15px half(*3) full

CP936: Win7/8/10N Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win7/8/10N SimSun 14/15px full full CP936: Win7/8/10N Consolas 14/15px full full


                                        rendered        modeled

CP932: Win7 Raster Fonts full full CP932: Win7 Gothic 14/15px full full CP932: Win7 Consolas 14/15px half(*2) full CP932: Win7 Lucida Console 14px half(*3) full CP932: Win7 Lucida Console 15px half(*3) half CP932: Win8 Raster Fonts full full CP932: Win8 Gothic 14px full half CP932: Win8 Gothic 15px full full CP932: Win8 Consolas 14/15px half(*2) full CP932: Win8 Lucida Console 14px half(*3) full CP932: Win8 Lucida Console 15px half(*3) half CP932: Win10New Raster Fonts full full CP932: Win10New Gothic 14/15px full full CP932: Win10New Consolas 14/15px half(*2) half CP932: Win10New Lucida Console 14/15px half(*2) half

CP936: Win7/8 Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 14px full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 15px full half CP936: Win7/8 Consolas 14px full full CP936: Win7/8 Consolas 15px full half CP936: Win10New Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win10New SimSum 14/15px full full CP936: Win10New Consolas 14/15px full full

Example 4: U+4000 (CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-4000): East_Asian_Width: Wide

                                        rendered        modeled

CP932: Win7 Raster Fonts half(*1) half CP932: Win7 Gothic 14/15px full full CP932: Win7 Consolas 14/15px half(*2) full CP932: Win7 Lucida Console 14px half(*3) full CP932: Win7 Lucida Console 15px half(*3) half CP932: Win8 Raster Fonts half(*1) half CP932: Win8 Gothic 14px full half CP932: Win8 Gothic 15px full full CP932: Win8 Consolas 14/15px half(*2) full CP932: Win8 Lucida Console 14px half(*3) full CP932: Win8 Lucida Console 15px half(*3) half CP932: Win10New Raster Fonts half(*1) half CP932: Win10New Gothic 14/15px full full CP932: Win10New Consolas 14/15px half(*2) half CP932: Win10New Lucida Console 14/15px half(*2) half

CP936: Win7/8 Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 14px full full CP936: Win7/8 SimSun 15px full half CP936: Win7/8 Consolas 14px full full CP936: Win7/8 Consolas 15px full half CP936: Win10New Raster Fonts full full CP936: Win10New SimSum 14/15px full full CP936: Win10New Consolas 14/15px full full

(*1) Rendered as a half-width filled white box (*2) Rendered as a half-width box with a question mark inside (*3) Rendered as a half-width empty box (!!) One of the only places in Win10New where rendered and modeled width disagree

Windows quirk: unreliable font heights with CP936 / Chinese Simplified

When I set the font to 新宋体 17px, using either the properties dialog or SetCurrentConsoleFontEx, the height reported by GetCurrentConsoleFontEx is not 17, but is instead 19. The same problem does not affect Raster Fonts, nor have I seen the problem in the English or Japanese locales. I observed this with Windows 7 and Windows 10 new mode.

If I set the font using the facename, width, and height, then the SetCurrentConsoleFontEx and GetCurrentConsoleFontEx values agree. If I set the font using only the facename and height, then the two values disagree.

Windows bug: GetCurrentConsoleFontEx is initially invalid

  • Assume there is no configured console font name in the registry. In this case, the console defaults to a raster font.
  • Open a new console and call the GetCurrentConsoleFontEx API.
  • The FaceName field of the returned CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX data structure is incorrect. On Windows 7, 8, and 10, I observed that the field was blank. On Windows 8, occasionally, it instead contained: U+AE72 U+75BE U+0001 The other fields of the structure all appeared correct: nFont=6 dwFontSize=(8,12) FontFamily=0x30 FontWeight=400
  • The FaceName field becomes initialized easily:
    • Open the console properties dialog and click OK. (Cancel is not sufficient.)
    • Call the undocumented SetConsoleFont with the current font table index, which is 6 in the example above.
  • It seems that the console uncritically accepts whatever string is stored in the registry, including a blank string, and passes it on the the GetCurrentConsoleFontEx caller. It is possible to get the console to write a blank setting into the registry -- simply open the console (default or app-specific) properties and click OK.