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% automatically generated by HelpGen $Revision$ from
% gzstream.h at 20/Aug/03 18:41:55
% wxGzipInputStream
A stream filter to decompress gzipped data. The gzip format is specified in
A gzip stream can contain the original filename and timestamp of the
compressed data. These fields can be obtained using the
\helpref{GetName()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetname} and
\helpref{GetDateTime()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetdatetime} accessors.
If the stream turns out not to be a gzip stream (i.e. the signature bytes
0x1f, 0x8b are not found), then the constructor unreads the bytes read and
sets the stream state to {\it wxSTREAM\_EOF}.
So given a possibly gzipped stream '{\it maybe\_gzipped}' you can construct
a decompressed stream '{\it decompressed}' with something like:
wxGzipInputStream gzip(maybe_gzipped);
wxInputStream *decompressed = &gzip;
if (gzip.Eof())
decompressed = &maybe_gzipped;
The stream will not read past the end of the gzip data, therefore you
can read another gzip entry concatenated by creating another
{\it wxGzipInputStream} on the same underlying stream.
The stream is not seekable, \helpref{SeekI()}{wxinputstreamseeki} returns
{\it wxInvalidOffset}. Also \helpref{GetSize()}{wxstreambasegetsize} is
not supported, it always returns $0$.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxGzipInputStream}{\param{wxInputStream\& }{stream}, \param{wxMBConv\& }{conv = wxConvFile}}
Constructs an object to decompress a gzipped stream.
The constructor reads the gzip header. If the original file name and timestamp
are present, then they can be obtained through the
\helpref{GetName()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetname} and
\helpref{GetDateTime()}{wxgzipinputstreamgetdatetime} accessors.
The filename in the header is stored using an 8-bit character set. In a
Unicode build {\it conv} is used to translate the filename into Unicode (it
has no effect on the stream data). RFC-1952 specifies that the character set
should be ISO-8859-1, however the default here is to use {\it wxConvFile}
which more closely matches the behaviour of the gzip program. In
a non-Unicode build {\it conv} is ignored.
If the first two bytes are not the gzip signature, then the data is not
gzipped after all. The stream state is set to {\it wxSTREAM\_EOF}, and the
two bytes are unread so that the underlying stream can be read directly.
Returns the original modification time of gzipped data, as obtained from the
gzip header.
Returns the original filename of gzipped data, with any directory components
% wxGzipOutputStream
A stream filter to compress gzipped data. The gzip format is specified in
The stream is not seekable, \helpref{SeekO()}{wxoutputstreamseeko} returns
{\it wxInvalidOffset}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxGzipOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\& }{stream}, \param{const wxString\& }{originalName = wxEmptyString}, \param{const wxDateTime\& }{originalTime = wxDateTime::Now()}, \param{int }{level = -1}, \param{wxMBConv\& }{conv = wxConvFile}}
If the {\it originalName} is given, then it is written to the gzip header
with any directory components removed. On a Unicode build it is first
converted to an 8-bit encoding using {\it conv}. RFC-1952 specifies that
the character set should be ISO-8859-1, however the default here is to
use {\it wxConvFile} which more closely matches the behaviour of the gzip
program. In a non-Unicode build {\it conv} is ignored. {\it conv} has no
effect on the stream data.
If {\it originalTime} is given then it is also written to the gzip header
as the timestamp. If omitted the current time is used.
{\it level} is the compression level. It can be an integer between $0$ (no
compression) and $9$ (most compression). $-1$ specifies that the default
compression should be used, and is currently equivalent to $6$.
You can also use the following constants from <wx/zstream.h>:
// Compression level
enum {