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// Name: bitmap.h
// Purpose: documentation for wxBitmapHandler class
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxBitmapHandler
This is the base class for implementing bitmap file loading/saving, and bitmap
creation from data.
It is used within wxBitmap and is not normally seen by the application.
If you wish to extend the capabilities of wxBitmap, derive a class from
and add the handler using wxBitmap::AddHandler in your
application initialisation.
wxBitmap, wxIcon, wxCursor
class wxBitmapHandler : public wxObject
Default constructor. In your own default constructor, initialise the members
m_name, m_extension and m_type.
Destroys the wxBitmapHandler object.
Creates a bitmap from the given data, which can be of arbitrary type. The
wxBitmap object @a bitmap is
manipulated by this function.
@param bitmap
The wxBitmap object.
@param width
The width of the bitmap in pixels.
@param height
The height of the bitmap in pixels.
@param depth
The depth of the bitmap in pixels. If this is -1, the screen depth is used.
@param data
Data whose type depends on the value of type.
@param type
A bitmap type identifier - see wxBitmapHandler() for a list
of possible values.
@returns @true if the call succeeded, @false otherwise (the default).
virtual bool Create(wxBitmap* bitmap, const void* data, int type,
int width,
int height,
int depth = -1);
Gets the file extension associated with this handler.
const wxString GetExtension() const;
Gets the name of this handler.
const wxString GetName() const;
Gets the bitmap type associated with this handler.
long GetType() const;
Loads a bitmap from a file or resource, putting the resulting data into @e
@param bitmap
The bitmap object which is to be affected by this operation.
@param name
Either a filename or a Windows resource name.
The meaning of name is determined by the type parameter.
@param type
See wxBitmap::wxBitmap for values this can take.
@returns @true if the operation succeeded, @false otherwise.
@see wxBitmap::LoadFile, wxBitmap::SaveFile, SaveFile()
bool LoadFile(wxBitmap* bitmap, const wxString& name, long type);
Saves a bitmap in the named file.
@param bitmap
The bitmap object which is to be affected by this operation.
@param name
A filename. The meaning of name is determined by the type parameter.
@param type
See wxBitmap::wxBitmap for values this can take.
@param palette
An optional palette used for saving the bitmap.
@returns @true if the operation succeeded, @false otherwise.
@see wxBitmap::LoadFile, wxBitmap::SaveFile, LoadFile()
bool SaveFile(wxBitmap* bitmap, const wxString& name, int type,
wxPalette* palette = NULL);
Sets the handler extension.
@param extension
Handler extension.
void SetExtension(const wxString& extension);
Sets the handler name.
@param name
Handler name.
void SetName(const wxString& name);
Sets the handler type.
@param name
Handler type.
void SetType(long type);
@class wxBitmap
This class encapsulates the concept of a platform-dependent bitmap,
either monochrome or colour or colour with alpha channel support.
@ref overview_wxbitmapoverview "wxBitmap overview", @ref
overview_supportedbitmapformats "supported bitmap file formats", wxDC::Blit, wxIcon, wxCursor, wxBitmap, wxMemoryDC
class wxBitmap : public wxGDIObject
Creates bitmap object from the image. This has to be done
to actually display an image as you cannot draw an image directly on a window.
The resulting bitmap will use the provided colour depth (or that of the
current system if depth is -1) which entails that a colour reduction has
to take place.
When in 8-bit mode (PseudoColour mode), the GTK port will use a color cube
on program start-up to look up colors. This ensures a very fast conversion, but
the image quality won't be perfect (and could be better for photo images using
sophisticated dithering algorithms).
On Windows, if there is a palette present (set with SetPalette), it will be
used when
creating the wxBitmap (most useful in 8-bit display mode). On other platforms,
the palette is currently ignored.
@param bits
Specifies an array of pixel values.
@param width
Specifies the width of the bitmap.
@param height
Specifies the height of the bitmap.
@param depth
Specifies the depth of the bitmap. If this is omitted, the display depth of
screen is used.
@param name
This can refer to a resource name under MS Windows, or a filename under MS
Windows and X.
Its meaning is determined by the type parameter.
@param type
May be one of the following:
Load a Windows bitmap file.
Load a Windows bitmap resource from the executable. Windows only.
Load a PICT image resource from the executable. Mac OS only.
Load a GIF bitmap file.
Load an X bitmap file.
Load an XPM bitmap file.
The validity of these flags depends on the platform and wxWidgets
If all possible wxWidgets settings are used, the Windows platform supports
BMP file, BMP resource,
XPM data, and XPM. Under wxGTK, the available formats are BMP file, XPM
data, XPM file, and PNG file.
Under wxMotif, the available formats are XBM data, XBM file, XPM data, XPM
In addition, wxBitmap can read all formats that wxImage can, which
currently include
and wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNM. Of course, you must have wxImage handlers loaded.
@param img
Platform-independent wxImage object.
@remarks The first form constructs a bitmap object with no data; an
assignment or another member function such as Create or
LoadFile must be called subsequently.
@see LoadFile()
wxBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
wxBitmap(const void* data, int type, int width, int height,
int depth = -1);
wxBitmap(const char bits[], int width, int height,
int depth = 1);
wxBitmap(int width, int height, int depth = -1);
wxBitmap(const char* const* bits);
wxBitmap(const wxString& name, long type);
wxBitmap(const wxImage& img, int depth = -1);
See @ref overview_refcountdestruct "reference-counted object destruction" for
more info.
If the application omits to delete the bitmap explicitly, the bitmap will be
destroyed automatically by wxWidgets when the application exits.
Do not delete a bitmap that is selected into a memory device context.
Adds a handler to the end of the static list of format handlers.
@param handler
A new bitmap format handler object. There is usually only one instance
of a given handler class in an application session.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static void AddHandler(wxBitmapHandler* handler);
Deletes all bitmap handlers.
This function is called by wxWidgets on exit.
static void CleanUpHandlers();
Creates an image from a platform-dependent bitmap. This preserves
mask information so that bitmaps and images can be converted back
and forth without loss in that respect.
wxImage ConvertToImage();
Creates the bitmap from an icon.
bool CopyFromIcon(const wxIcon& icon);
Creates a bitmap from the given data, which can be of arbitrary type.
@param width
The width of the bitmap in pixels.
@param height
The height of the bitmap in pixels.
@param depth
The depth of the bitmap in pixels. If this is -1, the screen depth is used.
@param data
Data whose type depends on the value of type.
@param type
A bitmap type identifier - see wxBitmap() for a list
of possible values.
@returns @true if the call succeeded, @false otherwise.
@remarks The first form works on all platforms. The portability of the
second form depends on the type of data.
@see wxBitmap()
virtual bool Create(int width, int height, int depth = -1);
virtual bool Create(const void* data, int type, int width,
int height,
int depth = -1);
Finds the handler associated with the given bitmap type.
@param name
The handler name.
@param extension
The file extension, such as "bmp".
@param bitmapType
The bitmap type, such as wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP.
@returns A pointer to the handler if found, @NULL otherwise.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static wxBitmapHandler* FindHandler(const wxString& name);
static wxBitmapHandler* FindHandler(const wxString& extension,
wxBitmapType bitmapType);
static wxBitmapHandler* FindHandler(wxBitmapType bitmapType);
Gets the colour depth of the bitmap. A value of 1 indicates a
monochrome bitmap.
int GetDepth() const;
Returns the static list of bitmap format handlers.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static wxList GetHandlers();
Gets the height of the bitmap in pixels.
int GetHeight() const;
Gets the associated mask (if any) which may have been loaded from a file
or set for the bitmap.
@see SetMask(), wxMask
wxMask* GetMask() const;
Gets the associated palette (if any) which may have been loaded from a file
or set for the bitmap.
@see wxPalette
wxPalette* GetPalette() const;
Returns a sub bitmap of the current one as long as the rect belongs entirely to
the bitmap. This function preserves bit depth and mask information.
wxBitmap GetSubBitmap(const wxRect& rect) const;
Gets the width of the bitmap in pixels.
@see GetHeight()
int GetWidth() const;
Adds the standard bitmap format handlers, which, depending on wxWidgets
configuration, can be handlers for Windows bitmap, Windows bitmap resource, and
This function is called by wxWidgets on startup.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static void InitStandardHandlers();
Adds a handler at the start of the static list of format handlers.
@param handler
A new bitmap format handler object. There is usually only one instance
of a given handler class in an application session.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static void InsertHandler(wxBitmapHandler* handler);
Returns @true if bitmap data is present.
bool IsOk() const;
Loads a bitmap from a file or resource.
@param name
Either a filename or a Windows resource name.
The meaning of name is determined by the type parameter.
@param type
One of the following values:
Load a Windows bitmap file.
Load a Windows bitmap resource from the executable.
Load a PICT image resource from the executable. Mac OS only.
Load a GIF bitmap file.
Load an X bitmap file.
Load an XPM bitmap file.
The validity of these flags depends on the platform and wxWidgets
In addition, wxBitmap can read all formats that wxImage can
(Of course you must have wxImage handlers loaded.)
@returns @true if the operation succeeded, @false otherwise.
@remarks A palette may be associated with the bitmap if one exists
(especially for colour Windows bitmaps), and if the
code supports it. You can check if one has been created
by using the GetPalette member.
@see SaveFile()
bool LoadFile(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type);
Finds the handler with the given name, and removes it. The handler
is not deleted.
@param name
The handler name.
@returns @true if the handler was found and removed, @false otherwise.
@see wxBitmapHandler
static bool RemoveHandler(const wxString& name);
Saves a bitmap in the named file.
@param name
A filename. The meaning of name is determined by the type parameter.
@param type
One of the following values:
Save a Windows bitmap file.
Save a GIF bitmap file.
Save an X bitmap file.
Save an XPM bitmap file.
The validity of these flags depends on the platform and wxWidgets
In addition, wxBitmap can save all formats that wxImage can
(Of course you must have wxImage handlers loaded.)
@param palette
An optional palette used for saving the bitmap.
@returns @true if the operation succeeded, @false otherwise.
@remarks Depending on how wxWidgets has been configured, not all formats
may be available.
@see LoadFile()
bool SaveFile(const wxString& name, wxBitmapType type,
wxPalette* palette = NULL);
Sets the depth member (does not affect the bitmap data).
@param depth
Bitmap depth.
void SetDepth(int depth);
Sets the height member (does not affect the bitmap data).
@param height
Bitmap height in pixels.
void SetHeight(int height);
Sets the mask for this bitmap.
@remarks The bitmap object owns the mask once this has been called.
@see GetMask(), wxMask
void SetMask(wxMask* mask);
Sets the associated palette. (Not implemented under GTK+).
@param palette
The palette to set.
@see wxPalette
void SetPalette(const wxPalette& palette);
Sets the width member (does not affect the bitmap data).
@param width
Bitmap width in pixels.
void SetWidth(int width);
Assignment operator, using @ref overview_trefcount "reference counting".
@param bitmap
Bitmap to assign.
wxBitmap operator =(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
@class wxMask
This class encapsulates a monochrome mask bitmap, where the masked area is
black and
the unmasked area is white. When associated with a bitmap and drawn in a device
the unmasked area of the bitmap will be drawn, and the masked area will not be
wxBitmap, wxDC::Blit, wxMemoryDC
class wxMask : public wxObject
Constructs a mask from a bitmap and a palette index that indicates the
background. Not
yet implemented for GTK.
@param bitmap
A valid bitmap.
@param colour
A colour specifying the transparency RGB values.
@param index
Index into a palette, specifying the transparency colour.
wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap,
const wxColour& colour);
wxMask(const wxBitmap& bitmap, int index);
Destroys the wxMask object and the underlying bitmap data.
Constructs a mask from a bitmap and a palette index that indicates the
background. Not
yet implemented for GTK.
@param bitmap
A valid bitmap.
@param colour
A colour specifying the transparency RGB values.
@param index
Index into a palette, specifying the transparency colour.
bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour);
bool Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, int index);