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Readme for wxWindows 2.0 Ide-files
First release Feb. 1999, detlev@reymann-online.de
1. What you can do with this IDE files
2. Where to install the files
3. How to modify them for your own needs
4. How to create IDE files for your own wxWindows-programs
1. What you can do with this IDE files
There are two IDE files. src\bc32.ide should help you to
create the wxWindows libraries from within the Ide of Borlands
C++, v. 5.x. Note that this doesn't include debugging code: you
need to change the settings if you wish to include debug
information. Previously, bc32d.ide was supplied with debug
settings, but this proved to time-consuming to maintain.
2. Where to install the files
You should copy the files for the libraries into the
src-directory of your wxWindows-Installation (e.g. C:\wxwin\src).
And the other file for the samples should be copied into the
samples-directory (e.g. C:\wxwin\samples).
(If installing from setup.exe or wx2..._bc.zip the files
will be installed into the appropriate directories
3. How to modify them for your own needs
If your wxWindows-Installation resides on the same drive as your
Borland-Compiler and additionally the Borland-Installation is
the default (e.g. C:\BC5) then there should be no need to change
anything. Otherwise please change the path from within the ide
(Options->project->directories). Because we use the
$inherit-macro (Julian found the trick), this should work.
To add a new sample to samples\bc32.ide, follow these steps:
a. Choose Project->New target... and type in e.g.
samples\newsample. Press OK.
b. Static, no OWL, MFC or class libraries. Check Multithread
on. Press OK.
c. Right-click on the new node, choose Add node... and add
..\lib\wx32.lib and ..\lib\xpm.lib. Add any other source
files you require.
d. Right-click on the new node, choose Edit Local Options.. and
add in Directories, specify the following:
Include: $inherit;.\newsample
Library: $inherit;
Source: .\newsample
Intermediate: .\newsample
Final: .\newsample
4. How to create IDE files for your own wxWindows-programs
I think you are familiar with the necessary options for your own
program. So I will only describe what is neccessary to link
yout program with the wxWindows library. If you want to create
an IDE file for your own wxWindows program, create a new project
from the menu file->new->project. Deactivate all the
standard-options, the only three thing that should be activated is
"static" for the libraries, if you want to use the library
produced with the library-ide, the checkbox OLE (you can
leave this checkbox unchecked, but then you have to add the
library \bc5\lib\ole2w32.lib to your project), and the
Multithread checkbox. You have to add
the include-path of wxWindows to the include-path in the
options-dialog (options->project->directories->include). The
result should be something like:
path_of_my_program;\bc5\include;\wxwin2\include; Then you have
to add the libraries to the project. Open the project-view and
activate your program. Then right-click and choose "add" and
select the wxWindows library (e.g. \wxwin\lib\wx32.lib). Also
add the xpm library.