wxDataObejct and related changes (won't compile right now)

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@4089 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
This commit is contained in:
Vadim Zeitlin 1999-10-21 00:25:42 +00:00
parent df485dc0d0
commit e1ee679c2e
25 changed files with 1093 additions and 1234 deletions

View File

@ -1,21 +1,128 @@
// Name: wx/clipbrd.h
// Purpose: wxClipboad class and clipboard functions
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 19.10.99
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) wxWindows Team
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/wxchar.h"
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataFormat;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObject;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxClipboard represents the system clipboard. Normally, you should use
// wxTheClipboard which is a global pointer to the (unique) clipboard.
// Clipboard can be used to copy data to/paste data from. It works together
// with wxDataObject.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxClipboardBase : public wxObject
// open the clipboard before Add/SetData() and GetData()
virtual bool Open();
// close the clipboard after Add/SetData() and GetData()
virtual void Close();
// add to the clipboard data
// NB: the clipboard owns the pointer and will delete it, so data must be
// allocated on the heap
virtual bool AddData( wxDataObject *data );
// set the clipboard data, this is the same as Clear() followed by
// AddData()
virtual bool SetData( wxDataObject *data );
// ask if data in correct format is available
virtual bool IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format );
// fill data with data on the clipboard (if available)
virtual bool GetData( wxDataObject& data );
// clears wxTheClipboard and the system's clipboard if possible
virtual void Clear();
// flushes the clipboard: this means that the data which is currently on
// clipboard will stay available even after the application exits (possibly
// eating memory), otherwise the clipboard will be emptied on exit
virtual bool Flush() { return FALSE; }
// X11 has two clipboards which get selected by this call. Empty on MSW.
virtual void UsePrimarySelection( bool WXUNUSED(primary) = FALSE ) { }
// deprecated version
bool GetData(wxDataObject *data)
wxCHECK_MSG(data, FALSE, wxT("NULL pointer in wxClipboard"));
return GetData(*data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// include platform-specific class declaration
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/msw/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/motif/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/gtk/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXQT__)
#include "wx/gtk/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/gtk/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
#include "wx/mac/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/mac/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXPM__)
#include "wx/os2/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/os2/clipbrd.h"
#elif defined(__WXSTUBS__)
#include "wx/stubs/clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/stubs/clipbrd.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// globals
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The global clipboard object
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxClipboard *) wxTheClipboard;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxClipboardModule: module responsible for initializing the global clipboard
// object
// NB: IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS() for it is in common/appcmn.cpp
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxClipboardModule : public wxModule
bool OnInit()
{ wxTheClipboard = new wxClipboard; }
void OnExit()
{ delete wxTheClipboard; wxTheClipboard = (wxClipboard *)NULL; }
#endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD
#endif // _WX_CLIPBRD_H_BASE_

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Name: dataobj.h
// Name: wx/dataobj.h
// Purpose: common data object classes
// Author: Robert Roebling, Vadim Zeitlin
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Modified by:
// Created: 26.05.99
// RCS-ID: $Id$
@ -12,6 +12,135 @@
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "dataobjbase.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
#include "wx/list.h"
// ============================================================================
Generic data transfer related classes. The class hierarchy is as follows:
- wxDataObject-
/ \
/ \
wxDataObjectSimple wxDataObjectComposite
/ | \
/ | \
wxTextDataObject | wxBitmapDataObject
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataFormat class is declared in platform-specific headers: it represents
// a format for data which may be either one of the standard ones (text,
// bitmap, ...) or a custom one which is then identified by a unique string.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* the class interface looks like this (pseudo code):
class wxDataFormat
typedef <integral type> NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat(NativeFormat format = wxDF_INVALID);
wxDataFormat(const wxChar *format);
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format);
wxDataFormat& operator=(const wxDataFormat& format);
bool operator==(NativeFormat format) const;
bool operator!=(NativeFormat format) const;
void SetType(NativeFormat format);
NativeFormat GetType() const;
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId(const wxChar *format);
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/ole/dataform.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/dataform.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk/dataform.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataObject represents a piece of data which knows which formats it
// supports and knows how to render itself in each of them - GetDataHere(),
// and how to restore data from the buffer (SetData()).
// Although this class may be used directly (i.e. custom classes may be
// derived from it), in many cases it might be simpler to use either
// wxDataObjectSimple or wxDataObjectComposite classes.
// A data object may be "read only", i.e. support only GetData() functions or
// "read-write", i.e. support both GetData() and SetData() (in principle, it
// might be "write only" too, but this is rare). Moreover, it doesn't have to
// support the same formats in Get() and Set() directions: for example, a data
// object containing JPEG image might accept BMPs in GetData() because JPEG
// image may be easily transformed into BMP but not in SetData(). Accordingly,
// all methods dealing with formats take an additional "direction" argument
// which is either SET or GET and which tells the function if the format needs
// to be supported by SetData() or GetDataHere().
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObjectBase
enum Direction
Get = 0x01, // format is supported by GetDataHere()
Set = 0x02, // format is supported by SetData()
Both = 0x03 // format is supported by both (unused currently)
// this class is polymorphic, hence it needs a virtual dtor
virtual ~wxDataObjectBase();
// get the best suited format for rendering our data
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat(Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
// get the number of formats we support
virtual size_t GetFormatCount(Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
// return all formats in the provided array (of size GetFormatCount())
virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat *formats,
Direction dir = Get) const = 0;
// get the (total) size of data for the given format
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const = 0;
// copy raw data (in the specified format) to the provided buffer, return
// TRUE if data copied successfully, FALSE otherwise
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const = 0;
// get data from the buffer of specified length (in the given format),
// return TRUE if the data was read successfully, FALSE otherwise
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format,
size_t len, const void *buf) = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// include the platform-specific declarations of wxDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/ole/dataobj.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
@ -28,71 +157,267 @@
#include "wx/stubs/dnd.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPrivateDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for app specific
// data (of some given kind, derive directly from wxDataObject if you wish to
// efficiently support multiple formats)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataObjectSimple is a wxDataObject which only supports one format (in
// both Get and Set directions, but you may return FALSE from GetDataHere() or
// SetData() if one of them is not supported). This is the simplest possible
// wxDataObject implementation.
// This is still an "abstract base class" (although it doesn't have any pure
// virtual functions), to use it you should derive from it and implement
// GetDataSize(), GetDataHere() and SetData() functions because the base class
// versions don't do anything - they just return "not implemented".
// This class should be used when you provide data in only one format (no
// conversion to/from other formats), either a standard or a custom one.
// Otherwise, you should use wxDataObjectComposite or wxDataObject directly.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPrivateDataObject : public wxDataObject
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObjectSimple : public wxDataObject
#if defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXMOTIF__)
DECLARE_CLASS( wxPrivateDataObject )
virtual ~wxPrivateDataObject() { Free(); }
// ctor takes the format we support, but it can also be set later with
// SetFormat()
wxDataObjectSimple(const wxDataFormat& format = wxDF_INVALID)
: m_format(format)
// get the format object - it is used to decide whether we support the
// given output format or not
wxDataFormat& GetFormat() { return m_format; }
// get/set the format we support
const wxDataFormat& GetFormat() const { return m_format; }
void SetFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) { m_format = format; }
// set data. will make copy of the data
void SetData( const void *data, size_t size );
// virtual functions to override in derived class (the base class versions
// just return "not implemented")
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// returns pointer to data
void *GetData() const { return m_data; }
// get the size of the data
virtual size_t GetSize() const;
// copy data to the given buffer
virtual void WriteData( void *dest ) const;
// these functions are provided for wxGTK compatibility, their usage is
// deprecated - use GetFormat().SetId() instead
void SetId( const wxString& id ) { m_format.SetId(id); }
wxString GetId() const { return m_format.GetId(); }
// implement the base class pure virtuals
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return m_format; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(wxDataFormat format) const
{ return m_format == format; }
// get the size of our data
virtual size_t GetDataSize() const
{ return m_size; }
virtual void GetDataHere(void *dest) const
{ WriteData(dest); }
{ return 0; }
// the function which really copies the data - called by WriteData() above
// and uses GetSize() to get the size of the data
void WriteData( const void *data, void *dest ) const;
// copy our data to the buffer
virtual bool GetDataHere(void *WXUNUSED(buf)) const
{ return FALSE; }
// copy data from buffer to our data
virtual bool SetData(size_t len, const void *WXUNUSED(buf))
{ return FALSE; }
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat(Direction WXUNUSED(dir) = Get) const
{ return m_format; }
virtual size_t GetFormatCount(Direction WXUNUSED(dir) = Get) const
{ return 1; }
virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat *formats,
Direction WXUNUSED(dir) = Get) const
{ *formats = m_format; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& WXUNUSED(format)) const
{ return GetDataSize(); }
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& WXUNUSED(format),
void *buf) const
{ return GetDataHere(buf); }
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& WXUNUSED(format),
size_t len, const void *buf)
{ return SetData(len, buf); }
// free the data
void Free();
// the data
size_t m_size;
void *m_data;
#if !defined(__WXMOTIF__)
// the data format
// the one and only format we support
wxDataFormat m_format;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataObjectComposite is the simplest way to implement wxDataObject
// supporting multiple formats. It contains several wxDataObjectSimple and
// supports all formats supported by any of them.
// This class shouldn't be (normally) derived from, but may be used directly.
// If you need more flexibility than what it provides, you should probably use
// wxDataObject directly.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WX_DECLARE_LIST(wxDataObjectSimple, wxSimpleDataObjectList);
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObjectComposite : public wxDataObject
// ctor
wxDataObjectComposite() { m_preferred = 0; }
// add data object (it will be deleted by wxDataObjectComposite, hence it
// must be allocated on the heap) whose format will become the preferred
// one if preferred == TRUE
void Add(wxDataObjectSimple *dataObject, bool preferred = FALSE);
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat(Direction dir = Get) const;
virtual size_t GetFormatCount(Direction dir = Get) const;
virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat *formats, Direction dir = Get) const;
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, size_t len, const void *buf);
// returns the pointer to the object which supports this format or NULL
wxDataObjectSimple *GetObject(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
// the list of all (simple) data objects whose formats we support
wxSimpleDataObjectList m_dataObjects;
// the index of the preferred one (0 initially, so by default the first
// one is the preferred)
size_t m_preferred;
// ============================================================================
// Standard implementations of wxDataObjectSimple which can be used directly
// (i.e. without having to derive from them) for standard data type transfers.
// Note that although all of them can work with provided data, you can also
// override their virtual GetXXX() functions to only provide data on demand.
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextDataObject contains text data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTextDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
// ctor: you can specify the text here or in SetText(), or override
// GetText()
wxTextDataObject(const wxString& text = wxEmptyString)
: wxDataObjectSimple(wxDF_TEXT), m_text(text)
// virtual functions which you may override if you want to provide text on
// demand only - otherwise, the trivial default versions will be used
virtual size_t GetTextLength() const { return m_text.Len() + 1; }
virtual wxString GetText() const { return m_text; }
virtual void SetText(const wxString& text) { m_text = text; }
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual size_t GetDataSize() const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(size_t len, const void *buf);
wxString m_text;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxBitmapDataObject contains a bitmap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxBitmapDataObjectBase : public wxDataObjectSimple
// ctor: you can specify the bitmap here or in SetBitmap(), or override
// GetBitmap()
wxBitmapDataObjectBase(const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap)
: wxDataObjectSimple(wxDF_BITMAP), m_bitmap(bitmap)
// virtual functions which you may override if you want to provide data on
// demand only - otherwise, the trivial default versions will be used
virtual wxBitmap GetBitmap() const { return m_bitmap; }
virtual void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap) { m_bitmap = bitmap; }
wxBitmap m_bitmap;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileDataObject contains a list of filenames
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxFileDataObjectBase : public wxDataObjectSimple
// ctor: you can specify the bitmap here or in SetBitmap(), or override
// GetBitmap()
wxFileDataObjectBase() : wxDataObjectSimple(wxDF_FILENAME) { }
// get a reference to our array - you may modify it (i.e. add/remove
// filenames to it then)
wxArrayString& GetFilenames() { return m_filenames; }
// a helper function
void AddFile(const wxString& filename) { m_filenames.Add(filename); }
// virtual functions which you may override if you want to provide data on
// demand only - otherwise, the trivial default versions will be used.
// they work with a NUL-separated string of filenames, the base class
// versions concatenate/extract filenames from this string
virtual wxString GetFilenames() const;
virtual void SetFilenames(const wxChar* filenames);
wxArrayString m_filenames;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxCustomDataObject contains arbitrary untyped user data.
// It is understood that this data can be copied bitwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxCustomDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple
// if you don't specify the format in the ctor, you can still use
// SetFormat() later
wxCustomDataObject(const wxDataFormat& format = wxDF_INVALID);
// the dtor calls Free()
virtual ~wxCustomDataObject();
// you can call SetData() to set m_data: it will make a copy of the data
// you pass - or you can use TakeData() which won't copy anything, but
// will take ownership of data (i.e. will call Free() on it later)
void TakeData(size_t size, void *data);
// this function is called to allocate "size" bytes of memory from
// SetData(). The default version uses operator new[].
virtual void *Alloc(size_t size);
// this function is called when the data is freed, you may override it to
// anything you want (or may be nothing at all). The default version calls
// operator delete[] on m_data
virtual void Free();
// get data: you may override these functions if you wish to provide data
// only when it's requested
virtual size_t GetSize() const { return m_size; }
virtual void *GetData() const { return m_data; }
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual size_t GetDataSize() const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(size_t size, const void *buf);
size_t m_size;
void *m_data;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// include platform-specific declarations of wxXXXBase classes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/ole/dataobj2.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/dataobj2.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk/dataobj2.h"
#endif // _WX_DATAOBJ_H_BASE_

View File

@ -1244,6 +1244,7 @@ typedef enum
#define wxTOOL_RIGHT 4
// tyhe ids of standard data formats
enum wxDataFormatId

View File

@ -1,23 +1,136 @@
// Name: wx/dnd.h
// Purpose: Drag and drop classes declarations
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Modified by:
// Created: 26.05.99
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) wxWindows Team
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_DND_H_BASE_
#define _WX_DND_H_BASE_
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/dataobj.h"
#include "wx/msw/ole/dropsrc.h"
#include "wx/msw/ole/droptgt.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// result of wxDropSource::DoDragDrop() call
enum wxDragResult
wxDragError, // error prevented the d&d operation from completing
wxDragNone, // drag target didn't accept the data
wxDragCopy, // the data was successfully copied
wxDragMove, // the data was successfully moved (MSW only)
wxDragCancel // the operation was cancelled by user (not an error)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDropSource is the object you need to create (and call DoDragDrop on it)
// to initiate a drag-and-drop operation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDropSourceBase
wxDropSourceBase() { m_data = (wxDataObject *)NULL; }
virtual ~wxDropSourceBase() { }
// set the data which is transfered by drag and drop
void SetData(wxDataObject& data) { delete m_data; m_data = &data; }
// start drag action, see enum wxDragResult for return value description
// if bAllowMove is TRUE, data can be moved, if not - only copied
virtual wxDragResult DoDragDrop( bool bAllowMove = FALSE );
// override to give feedback depending on the current operation result
// "effect"
virtual bool GiveFeedback( wxDragResult WXUNUSED(effect),
bool WXUNUSED(bScrolling) )
return TRUE;
wxDataObject *m_data;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDropTarget should be associated with a window if it wants to be able to
// receive data via drag and drop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDropTargetBase
// ctor takes a pointer to heap-allocated wxDataObject which will be owned
// by wxDropTarget and deleted by it automatically. If you don't give it
// here, you can use SetDataObject() later.
wxDropTargetBase(wxDataObject *dataObject = NULL)
{ m_dataObject = dataObject; }
// dtor deletes our data object
virtual ~wxDropTargetBase()
{ delete m_dataObject; }
// get/set the associated wxDataObject
wxDataObject *GetDataObject() const
{ return m_dataObject; }
void SetDataObject(wxDataObject *dataObject)
{ delete m_dataObject; m_dataObject = dataObject; }
// called when mouse enters/leaves the window: might be used to give
// some visual feedback to the user
virtual void OnEnter() { }
virtual void OnLeave() { }
// this function is called when data is dropped at position (x, y) - if it
// returns TRUE, OnData() will be called immediately afterwards which will
// allow to retrieve the data dropped.
virtual bool OnDrop(wxCoord x, wxCoord y) = 0;
// called after OnDrop() returns TRUE: you will usually just call
// GetData() from here and, probably, also refresh something to update the
// new data
virtual bool OnData() = 0;
// may be called *only* from inside OnData() and will fill m_dataObject
// with the data from the drop source if it returns TRUE
virtual bool GetData() = 0;
wxDataObject *m_dataObject;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// include platform dependent class declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/dataobj.h"
#include "wx/msw/ole/dropsrc.h"
#include "wx/msw/ole/droptgt.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/dnd.h"
#include "wx/motif/dnd.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk/dnd.h"
#include "wx/gtk/dnd.h"
#elif defined(__WXQT__)
#include "wx/qt/dnd.h"
#include "wx/qt/dnd.h"
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
#include "wx/mac/dnd.h"
#include "wx/mac/dnd.h"
#elif defined(__WXPM__)
#include "wx/os2/dnd.h"
#include "wx/os2/dnd.h"
#elif defined(__WXSTUBS__)
#include "wx/stubs/dnd.h"
#include "wx/stubs/dnd.h"
#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
#endif // _WX_DND_H_BASE_

View File

@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
#pragma interface
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
@ -25,24 +23,11 @@
#include "wx/control.h"
#include "wx/module.h"
// classes
class wxClipboard;
class wxClipboardModule;
// global data
extern wxClipboard* wxTheClipboard;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxClipboard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxClipboard : public wxObject
class wxClipboard : public wxClipboardBase
@ -61,22 +46,20 @@ public:
virtual bool AddData( wxDataObject *data );
// ask if data in correct format is available
virtual bool IsSupported( wxDataFormat format );
virtual bool IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format );
// fill data with data on the clipboard (if available)
virtual bool GetData( wxDataObject *data );
virtual bool GetData( wxDataObject& data );
// clears wxTheClipboard and the system's clipboard if possible
virtual void Clear();
// flushes the clipboard: not available under GTK
virtual bool Flush() { return FALSE; }
// If primary == TRUE, use primary selection in all further ops,
// primary == FALSE resets it.
virtual void UsePrimarySelection(bool primary = TRUE)
{ m_usePrimary = primary; }
/// If primary == TRUE, use primary selection in all further ops,
/// primary=FALSE resets it.
inline void UsePrimarySelection(bool primary = TRUE) { m_usePrimary = primary; }
// implementation
// implementation from now on
bool m_open;
bool m_ownsClipboard;
bool m_ownsPrimarySelection;
@ -95,23 +78,7 @@ private:
// wxClipboardModule
class wxClipboardModule: public wxModule
wxClipboardModule() {}
bool OnInit();
void OnExit();

include/wx/gtk/dataform.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Name: gtk/dataform.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataFormat class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 19.10.99 (extracted from gtk/dataobj.h)
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
class wxDataFormat
// the clipboard formats under GDK are GdkAtoms
typedef GdkAtom NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormat( const wxString &id );
wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id );
wxDataFormat( NativeFormat format );
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
void SetId( NativeFormat format );
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId( const wxChar *id );
// implementation
wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
wxDataFormatId m_type;
NativeFormat m_format;
void PrepareFormats();
void SetType( wxDataFormatId type );
#endif // _WX_GTK_DATAFORM_H

View File

@ -1,255 +1,26 @@
// Name: dataobj.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataObject class
// Name: gtk/dataobj.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataObject
// Author: Robert Roebling
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Copyright: (c) 1998, 1999 Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_
#define _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#pragma interface "dataobj.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataObject is the same as wxDataObjectBase under wxGTK
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// classes
class wxDataFormat;
class wxDataBroker;
class wxDataObject;
class wxTextDataObject;
class wxBitmapDataObject;
class wxPrivateDataObject;
class wxFileDataObject;
// wxDataFormat
class wxDataFormat
class wxDataObject : public wxDataObjectBase
// the clipboard formats under GDK are GdkAtoms
typedef GdkAtom NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormat( const wxString &id );
wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id );
wxDataFormat( NativeFormat format );
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
wxDataFormat& operator=(const wxDataFormat& format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(wxDataFormatId type) const
{ return m_type == (wxDataFormatId)type; }
bool operator!=(wxDataFormatId type) const
{ return m_type != (wxDataFormatId)type; }
bool operator==(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator==(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format == format.m_format; }
bool operator!=(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format != format.m_format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
// this only works with standard ids
void SetId( wxDataFormatId type );
// this only works with standard ids
void SetId( NativeFormat format );
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId( const wxChar *id );
// implementation
wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
wxDataFormatId m_type;
NativeFormat m_format;
void PrepareFormats();
void SetType( wxDataFormatId type );
// wxDataObject
class wxDataObject : public wxObject
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const = 0;
// get the number of formats we support: it is understood that if we
// can accept data in some format, then we can render data in this
// format as well, but the contrary is not necessarily true. For the
// default value of the argument, all formats we support should be
// returned, but if outputOnlyToo == FALSE, then we should only return
// the formats which our SetData() understands
virtual size_t GetFormatCount(bool outputOnlyToo = TRUE) const
{ return 1; }
// return all formats in the provided array (of size GetFormatCount())
virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat *formats,
bool outputOnlyToo = TRUE) const
{ formats[0] = GetPreferredFormat(); }
// get the (total) size of data for the given format
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const = 0;
// copy raw data (in the specified format) to provided pointer
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const = 0;
// get data from the buffer (in the given format)
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf) = 0;
// a simpler name which makes more sense for data objects supporting
// only one format
wxDataFormat GetFormat() const { return GetPreferredFormat(); }
// old interface
// decide if we support this format (can be either standard or custom
// format) -- now uses GetAllFormats()
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
// wxTextDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for text data
class wxTextDataObject : public wxDataObject
// ctors
wxTextDataObject(const wxString& strText);
void Init(const wxString& strText) { m_strText = strText; }
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_TEXT; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_TEXT; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
// additional helpers
void SetText(const wxString& strText) { m_strText = strText; }
wxString GetText() const { return m_strText; }
wxString m_strText;
// wxFileDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for file names
class wxFileDataObject : public wxDataObject
void AddFile( const wxString &file );
void SetFiles( const wxString &files )
{ m_files = files; }
wxString GetFiles() const;
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_FILENAME; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_FILENAME; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
wxString m_files;
// wxBitmapDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for bitmaps
class wxBitmapDataObject : public wxDataObject
// ctors
wxBitmapDataObject(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
// destr
// set/get our bitmap
void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
const wxBitmap GetBitmap() const { return m_bitmap; }
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_BITMAP; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_BITMAP; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
// sets PNG data
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
// sets PNG data
virtual void SetPngData(const void *buf, size_t size);
void *GetData()
{ return m_pngData; }
wxBitmap m_bitmap;
size_t m_pngSize;
void *m_pngData;
void DoConvertToPng();
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxBitmapDataObject );
#endif // _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_

View File

@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
#pragma interface
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
@ -25,24 +23,11 @@
#include "wx/control.h"
#include "wx/module.h"
// classes
class wxClipboard;
class wxClipboardModule;
// global data
extern wxClipboard* wxTheClipboard;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxClipboard
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxClipboard : public wxObject
class wxClipboard : public wxClipboardBase
@ -61,22 +46,20 @@ public:
virtual bool AddData( wxDataObject *data );
// ask if data in correct format is available
virtual bool IsSupported( wxDataFormat format );
virtual bool IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format );
// fill data with data on the clipboard (if available)
virtual bool GetData( wxDataObject *data );
virtual bool GetData( wxDataObject& data );
// clears wxTheClipboard and the system's clipboard if possible
virtual void Clear();
// flushes the clipboard: not available under GTK
virtual bool Flush() { return FALSE; }
// If primary == TRUE, use primary selection in all further ops,
// primary == FALSE resets it.
virtual void UsePrimarySelection(bool primary = TRUE)
{ m_usePrimary = primary; }
/// If primary == TRUE, use primary selection in all further ops,
/// primary=FALSE resets it.
inline void UsePrimarySelection(bool primary = TRUE) { m_usePrimary = primary; }
// implementation
// implementation from now on
bool m_open;
bool m_ownsClipboard;
bool m_ownsPrimarySelection;
@ -95,23 +78,7 @@ private:
// wxClipboardModule
class wxClipboardModule: public wxModule
wxClipboardModule() {}
bool OnInit();
void OnExit();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// Name: gtk/dataform.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataFormat class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 19.10.99 (extracted from gtk/dataobj.h)
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
class wxDataFormat
// the clipboard formats under GDK are GdkAtoms
typedef GdkAtom NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormat( const wxString &id );
wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id );
wxDataFormat( NativeFormat format );
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
void SetId( NativeFormat format );
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId( const wxChar *id );
// implementation
wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
wxDataFormatId m_type;
NativeFormat m_format;
void PrepareFormats();
void SetType( wxDataFormatId type );
#endif // _WX_GTK_DATAFORM_H

View File

@ -1,255 +1,26 @@
// Name: dataobj.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataObject class
// Name: gtk/dataobj.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataObject
// Author: Robert Roebling
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Copyright: (c) 1998, 1999 Vadim Zeitlin, Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_
#define _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#pragma interface "dataobj.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/string.h"
#include "wx/bitmap.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataObject is the same as wxDataObjectBase under wxGTK
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// classes
class wxDataFormat;
class wxDataBroker;
class wxDataObject;
class wxTextDataObject;
class wxBitmapDataObject;
class wxPrivateDataObject;
class wxFileDataObject;
// wxDataFormat
class wxDataFormat
class wxDataObject : public wxDataObjectBase
// the clipboard formats under GDK are GdkAtoms
typedef GdkAtom NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormat( const wxString &id );
wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id );
wxDataFormat( NativeFormat format );
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
wxDataFormat& operator=(const wxDataFormat& format)
{ SetId(format); return *this; }
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(wxDataFormatId type) const
{ return m_type == (wxDataFormatId)type; }
bool operator!=(wxDataFormatId type) const
{ return m_type != (wxDataFormatId)type; }
bool operator==(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(NativeFormat format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator==(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format == format.m_format; }
bool operator!=(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format != format.m_format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
// this only works with standard ids
void SetId( wxDataFormatId type );
// this only works with standard ids
void SetId( NativeFormat format );
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId( const wxChar *id );
// implementation
wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
wxDataFormatId m_type;
NativeFormat m_format;
void PrepareFormats();
void SetType( wxDataFormatId type );
// wxDataObject
class wxDataObject : public wxObject
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const = 0;
// get the number of formats we support: it is understood that if we
// can accept data in some format, then we can render data in this
// format as well, but the contrary is not necessarily true. For the
// default value of the argument, all formats we support should be
// returned, but if outputOnlyToo == FALSE, then we should only return
// the formats which our SetData() understands
virtual size_t GetFormatCount(bool outputOnlyToo = TRUE) const
{ return 1; }
// return all formats in the provided array (of size GetFormatCount())
virtual void GetAllFormats(wxDataFormat *formats,
bool outputOnlyToo = TRUE) const
{ formats[0] = GetPreferredFormat(); }
// get the (total) size of data for the given format
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const = 0;
// copy raw data (in the specified format) to provided pointer
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const = 0;
// get data from the buffer (in the given format)
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf) = 0;
// a simpler name which makes more sense for data objects supporting
// only one format
wxDataFormat GetFormat() const { return GetPreferredFormat(); }
// old interface
// decide if we support this format (can be either standard or custom
// format) -- now uses GetAllFormats()
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
// wxTextDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for text data
class wxTextDataObject : public wxDataObject
// ctors
wxTextDataObject(const wxString& strText);
void Init(const wxString& strText) { m_strText = strText; }
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_TEXT; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_TEXT; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
// additional helpers
void SetText(const wxString& strText) { m_strText = strText; }
wxString GetText() const { return m_strText; }
wxString m_strText;
// wxFileDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for file names
class wxFileDataObject : public wxDataObject
void AddFile( const wxString &file );
void SetFiles( const wxString &files )
{ m_files = files; }
wxString GetFiles() const;
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_FILENAME; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_FILENAME; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
wxString m_files;
// wxBitmapDataObject is a specialization of wxDataObject for bitmaps
class wxBitmapDataObject : public wxDataObject
// ctors
wxBitmapDataObject(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
// destr
// set/get our bitmap
void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
const wxBitmap GetBitmap() const { return m_bitmap; }
virtual wxDataFormat GetPreferredFormat() const
{ return wxDF_BITMAP; }
virtual bool IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return format == wxDF_BITMAP; }
virtual size_t GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const;
virtual bool GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const;
// sets PNG data
virtual bool SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf);
// sets PNG data
virtual void SetPngData(const void *buf, size_t size);
void *GetData()
{ return m_pngData; }
wxBitmap m_bitmap;
size_t m_pngSize;
void *m_pngData;
void DoConvertToPng();
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxBitmapDataObject );
#endif // _WX_GTK_DATAOBJ_H_

View File

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
#pragma interface "clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/dataobj.h"
@ -42,13 +40,9 @@ bool WXDLLEXPORT wxGetClipboardFormatName(wxDataFormat dataFormat, char *formatN
// wxClipboard
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObject;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxClipboard: public wxObject
class wxClipboard : public wxClipboardBase
@ -71,105 +65,19 @@ public:
// clears wxTheClipboard and the system's clipboard if possible
virtual void Clear();
/// If primary == TRUE, use primary selection in all further ops,
/// primary=FALSE resets it.
inline void UsePrimarySelection(bool primary = TRUE) { m_usePrimary = primary; }
// implementation
// implementation from now on
bool m_open;
wxList m_data;
bool m_usePrimary;
/* The clipboard */
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxClipboard*) wxTheClipboard;
// wxClipboardModule
class wxClipboardModule: public wxModule
wxClipboardModule() {}
bool OnInit();
void OnExit();
// This is the old, 1.68 implementation
#if 0
/* A clipboard client holds data belonging to the clipboard.
For plain text, a client is not necessary. */
class WXDLLEXPORT wxClipboardClient : public wxObject
/* This list should be filled in with strings indicating the formats
this client can provide. Almost all clients will provide "TEXT".
Format names should be 4 characters long, so things will work
out on the Macintosh */
wxStringList formats;
/* This method is called when the client is losing the selection. */
virtual void BeingReplaced() = 0;
/* This method is called when someone wants the data this client is
supplying to the clipboard. "format" is a string indicating the
format of the data - one of the strings from the "formats"
list. "*size" should be filled with the size of the resulting
data. In the case of text, "*size" does not count the
NULL terminator. */
virtual char *GetData(char *format, long *size) = 0;
/* ONE instance of this class: */
class WXDLLEXPORT wxClipboard : public wxObject
wxClipboardClient *clipOwner;
char *cbString, *sentString, *receivedString;
void *receivedTargets;
long receivedLength;
/* Set the clipboard data owner. "time" comes from the event record. */
void SetClipboardClient(wxClipboardClient *, long time);
/* Set the clipboard string; does not require a client. */
void SetClipboardString(char *, long time);
/* Get data from the clipboard in the format "TEXT". */
char *GetClipboardString(long time);
/* Get data from the clipboard */
char *GetClipboardData(char *format, long *length, long time);
/* Get the clipboard client directly. Will be NULL if clipboard data
is a string, or if some other application owns the clipboard.
This can be useful for shortcutting data translation, if the
clipboard user can check for a specific client. (This is used
by the wxMediaEdit class.) */
wxClipboardClient *GetClipboardClient();
/* Initialize wxTheClipboard. Can be called repeatedly */
void WXDLLEXPORT wxInitClipboard();
/* The clipboard */
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxClipboard*) wxTheClipboard;
// Old clipboard class
#endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// Name: motif/dataform.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataFormat class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 19.10.99 (extracted from motif/dataobj.h)
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
class wxDataFormat
wxDataFormat( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormat( const wxString &id );
wxDataFormat( const wxChar *id );
wxDataFormat( const wxDataFormat &format );
wxDataFormat( const Atom atom );
void SetType( wxDataFormatId type );
wxDataFormatId GetType() const;
/* the string Id identifies the format of clipboard or DnD data. a word
* processor would e.g. add a wxTextDataObject and a wxPrivateDataObject
* to the clipboard - the latter with the Id "application/wxword", an
* image manipulation program would put a wxBitmapDataObject and a
* wxPrivateDataObject to the clipboard - the latter with "image/png". */
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId( const wxChar *id );
Atom GetAtom();
void SetAtom(Atom atom) { m_hasAtom = TRUE; m_atom = atom; }
// implicit conversion to wxDataFormatId
operator wxDataFormatId() const { return m_type; }
bool operator==(wxDataFormatId type) const { return m_type == type; }
bool operator!=(wxDataFormatId type) const { return m_type != type; }
wxDataFormatId m_type;
wxString m_id;
bool m_hasAtom;
Atom m_atom;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// Name: clipbrd.h
// Purpose: Clipboard functionality
// Name: wx/msw/clipbrd.h
// Purpose: wxClipboad class and clipboard functions for MSW
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 01/02/97
@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
#pragma interface "clipbrd.h"
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/setup.h"
#include "wx/list.h"
@ -96,25 +93,6 @@ private:
bool m_clearOnExit;
// The global clipboard object
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxClipboard*) wxTheClipboard;
// wxClipboardModule: module responsible for initializing the global clipboard
// object
class wxClipboardModule : public wxModule
wxClipboardModule() { }
bool OnInit();
void OnExit();
#endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// Name: msw/ole/dataform.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataFormat class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 19.10.99 (extracted from msw/ole/dataobj.h)
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataFormat identifies the single format of data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataFormat
// the clipboard formats under Win32 are UINTs
typedef unsigned int NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat(NativeFormat format = wxDF_INVALID) { m_format = format; }
wxDataFormat(const wxChar *format) { SetId(format); }
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ m_format = format; return *this; }
wxDataFormat& operator=(const wxDataFormat& format)
{ m_format = format.m_format; return *this; }
// default copy ctor/assignment operators ok
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(wxDataFormatId format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(wxDataFormatId format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator==(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format == format.m_format; }
bool operator!=(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format != format.m_format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
// this only works with standard ids
void SetType(wxDataFormatId format) { m_format = format; }
wxDataFormatId GetType() const { return m_format; }
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId(const wxChar *format);
// returns TRUE if the format is one of those defined in wxDataFormatId
bool IsStandard() const { return m_format > 0 && m_format < wxDF_MAX; }
NativeFormat m_format;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// Name: ole/dataobj.h
// Name: msw/ole/dataobj.h
// Purpose: declaration of the wxDataObject class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
@ -9,59 +9,8 @@
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDataFormat identifies the single format of data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataFormat
// the clipboard formats under Win32 are UINTs
typedef unsigned int NativeFormat;
wxDataFormat(NativeFormat format = wxDF_INVALID) { m_format = format; }
wxDataFormat(const wxChar *format) { SetId(format); }
wxDataFormat& operator=(NativeFormat format)
{ m_format = format; return *this; }
wxDataFormat& operator=(const wxDataFormat& format)
{ m_format = format.m_format; return *this; }
// defautl copy ctor/assignment operators ok
// comparison (must have both versions)
bool operator==(wxDataFormatId format) const
{ return m_format == (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator!=(wxDataFormatId format) const
{ return m_format != (NativeFormat)format; }
bool operator==(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format == format.m_format; }
bool operator!=(const wxDataFormat& format) const
{ return m_format != format.m_format; }
// explicit and implicit conversions to NativeFormat which is one of
// standard data types (implicit conversion is useful for preserving the
// compatibility with old code)
NativeFormat GetFormatId() const { return m_format; }
operator NativeFormat() const { return m_format; }
// this only works with standard ids
void SetId(wxDataFormatId format) { m_format = format; }
// string ids are used for custom types - this SetId() must be used for
// application-specific formats
wxString GetId() const;
void SetId(const wxChar *format);
// returns TRUE if the format is one of those defined in wxDataFormatId
bool IsStandard() const { return m_format > 0 && m_format < wxDF_MAX; }
NativeFormat m_format;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// forward declarations
@ -198,5 +147,5 @@ private:
// TODO: wxFileDataObject.

View File

@ -28,19 +28,6 @@ class wxIDropSource;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDataObject;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxWindow;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum wxDragResult
wxDragError, // error prevented the d&d operation from completing
wxDragNone, // drag target didn't accept the data
wxDragCopy, // the data was successfully copied
wxDragMove, // the data was successfully moved
wxDragCancel // the operation was cancelled by user (not an error)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxDropSource is used to start the drag-&-drop operation on associated
// wxDataObject object. It's responsible for giving UI feedback while dragging.
@ -50,6 +37,7 @@ class WXDLLEXPORT wxDropSource
// ctors: if you use default ctor you must call SetData() later!
// NB: the "wxWindow *win" parameter is unused and is here only for wxGTK
// compatibility, as well as both icon parameters
wxDropSource(wxWindow *win = NULL,
@ -60,24 +48,20 @@ public:
const wxIcon &go = wxNullIcon,
const wxIcon &stop = wxNullIcon );
void SetData(wxDataObject& data);
virtual ~wxDropSource();
// do it (call this in response to a mouse button press, for example)
// params: if bAllowMove is false, data can be only copied
wxDragResult DoDragDrop(bool bAllowMove = FALSE);
virtual wxDragResult DoDragDrop(bool bAllowMove = FALSE);
// overridable: you may give some custom UI feedback during d&d operation
// in this function (it's called on each mouse move, so it shouldn't be too
// slow). Just return false if you want default feedback.
// in this function (it's called on each mouse move, so it shouldn't be
// too slow). Just return false if you want default feedback.
virtual bool GiveFeedback(wxDragResult effect, bool bScrolling);
void Init();
wxDataObject *m_pData; // pointer to associated data object
wxIDropSource *m_pIDropSource; // the pointer to COM interface

View File

@ -38,6 +38,12 @@
// implementation
// ===========================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// some global data defined here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxClipboardModule, wxModule)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxAppBase
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "wx/dataobj.h"
#include "wx/utils.h"
#include "glib.h"
@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ void wxClipboard::Close()
m_open = FALSE;
bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( wxDataFormat format )
bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format )
/* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */
@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( wxDataFormat format )
return TRUE;
bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject& data )
wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, FALSE, wxT("clipboard not open") );
@ -627,26 +628,6 @@ bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
return TRUE;
// wxClipboardModule
bool wxClipboardModule::OnInit()
wxTheClipboard = new wxClipboard();
return TRUE;
void wxClipboardModule::OnExit()
if (wxTheClipboard) delete wxTheClipboard;
wxTheClipboard = (wxClipboard*) NULL;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include "gdk/gdk.h"
// global data
@ -162,84 +161,26 @@ bool wxDataObject::IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxTextDataObject, wxDataObject )
wxTextDataObject::wxTextDataObject(const wxString& strText)
: m_strText(strText)
size_t wxTextDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
return m_strText.Len() + 1; // +1 for trailing '\0'of course
bool wxTextDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
memcpy(buf, m_strText.c_str(), GetDataSize(format));
return TRUE;
bool wxTextDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
m_strText = (const wxChar *)buf;
return TRUE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxFileDataObject, wxDataObject )
bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const
const wxString& filenames = GetFilenames();
memcpy( buf, filenames.mbc_str(), filenames.Len() + 1 );
void wxFileDataObject::AddFile( const wxString &file )
m_files += file;
m_files += (wxChar)0;
wxString wxFileDataObject::GetFiles() const
return m_files;
bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
if (format == wxDF_FILENAME)
memcpy( buf, m_files.mbc_str(), m_files.Len() + 1 );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize() const
if (format != wxDF_FILENAME) return 0;
return m_files.Len() + 1;
return GetFilenames().Len() + 1;
bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const void *buf)
if (format != wxDF_FILENAME)
return FALSE;
m_files = (char*)(buf); // this is so ugly, I cannot look at it
SetFilenames((const wxChar *)buf);
return TRUE;
@ -248,95 +189,80 @@ bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
// wxBitmapDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxBitmapDataObject, wxDataObject )
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject( const wxBitmap& bitmap )
: wxBitmapDataObjectBase(bitmap)
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = bitmap;
if (m_pngData)
delete[] m_pngData;
void wxBitmapDataObject::SetBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
if (m_pngData)
delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = bitmap;
size_t wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const
if (format != wxDF_BITMAP) return 0;
return m_pngSize;
bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
if (format != wxDF_BITMAP) return FALSE;
if (m_pngSize > 0)
if ( !m_pngSize )
memcpy(buf, m_pngData, m_pngSize);
return TRUE;
wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("attempt to copy empty bitmap failed") );
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
memcpy(buf, m_pngData, m_pngSize);
return TRUE;
bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData(size_t size, const void *buf)
if (m_pngData) delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngData = (void*) NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = wxNullBitmap;
return FALSE;
void wxBitmapDataObject::SetPngData(const void *buf, size_t size)
if (m_pngData) delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngSize = size;
m_pngData = (void*) new char[m_pngSize];
m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize);
memcpy( m_pngData, buf, m_pngSize );
wxMemoryInputStream mstream( (char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize );
wxImage image;
wxPNGHandler handler;
handler.LoadFile( &image, mstream );
if ( !handler.LoadFile( &image, mstream ) )
return FALSE;
m_bitmap = image.ConvertToBitmap();
void wxBitmapDataObject::DoConvertToPng()
if (!m_bitmap.Ok()) return;
if (!m_bitmap.Ok())
wxImage image( m_bitmap );
wxPNGHandler handler;
wxCountingOutputStream count;
handler.SaveFile( &image, count );
m_pngSize = count.GetSize() + 100; // sometimes the size seems to vary ???
m_pngData = (void*) new char[m_pngSize];
m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize);
wxMemoryOutputStream mstream( (char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize );
handler.SaveFile( &image, mstream );

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "wx/dataobj.h"
#include "wx/utils.h"
#include "glib.h"
@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ void wxClipboard::Close()
m_open = FALSE;
bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( wxDataFormat format )
bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( const wxDataFormat& format )
/* store requested format to be asked for by callbacks */
@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ bool wxClipboard::IsSupported( wxDataFormat format )
return TRUE;
bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject& data )
wxCHECK_MSG( m_open, FALSE, wxT("clipboard not open") );
@ -627,26 +628,6 @@ bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
return TRUE;
// wxClipboardModule
bool wxClipboardModule::OnInit()
wxTheClipboard = new wxClipboard();
return TRUE;
void wxClipboardModule::OnExit()
if (wxTheClipboard) delete wxTheClipboard;
wxTheClipboard = (wxClipboard*) NULL;

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include "gdk/gdk.h"
// global data
@ -162,84 +161,26 @@ bool wxDataObject::IsSupportedFormat(const wxDataFormat& format) const
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxTextDataObject, wxDataObject )
wxTextDataObject::wxTextDataObject(const wxString& strText)
: m_strText(strText)
size_t wxTextDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
return m_strText.Len() + 1; // +1 for trailing '\0'of course
bool wxTextDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
memcpy(buf, m_strText.c_str(), GetDataSize(format));
return TRUE;
bool wxTextDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
m_strText = (const wxChar *)buf;
return TRUE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxFileDataObject, wxDataObject )
bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const
const wxString& filenames = GetFilenames();
memcpy( buf, filenames.mbc_str(), filenames.Len() + 1 );
void wxFileDataObject::AddFile( const wxString &file )
m_files += file;
m_files += (wxChar)0;
wxString wxFileDataObject::GetFiles() const
return m_files;
bool wxFileDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
if (format == wxDF_FILENAME)
memcpy( buf, m_files.mbc_str(), m_files.Len() + 1 );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
size_t wxFileDataObject::GetDataSize() const
if (format != wxDF_FILENAME) return 0;
return m_files.Len() + 1;
return GetFilenames().Len() + 1;
bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const void *buf)
if (format != wxDF_FILENAME)
return FALSE;
m_files = (char*)(buf); // this is so ugly, I cannot look at it
SetFilenames((const wxChar *)buf);
return TRUE;
@ -248,95 +189,80 @@ bool wxFileDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
// wxBitmapDataObject
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( wxBitmapDataObject, wxDataObject )
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
wxBitmapDataObject::wxBitmapDataObject( const wxBitmap& bitmap )
: wxBitmapDataObjectBase(bitmap)
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = bitmap;
if (m_pngData)
delete[] m_pngData;
void wxBitmapDataObject::SetBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap )
if (m_pngData)
delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngData = (void*)NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = bitmap;
size_t wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataSize(const wxDataFormat& format) const
bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const
if (format != wxDF_BITMAP) return 0;
return m_pngSize;
bool wxBitmapDataObject::GetDataHere(const wxDataFormat& format, void *buf) const
if (format != wxDF_BITMAP) return FALSE;
if (m_pngSize > 0)
if ( !m_pngSize )
memcpy(buf, m_pngData, m_pngSize);
return TRUE;
wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("attempt to copy empty bitmap failed") );
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
memcpy(buf, m_pngData, m_pngSize);
return TRUE;
bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData(const wxDataFormat& format, const void *buf)
bool wxBitmapDataObject::SetData(size_t size, const void *buf)
if (m_pngData) delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngData = (void*) NULL;
m_pngSize = 0;
m_bitmap = wxNullBitmap;
return FALSE;
void wxBitmapDataObject::SetPngData(const void *buf, size_t size)
if (m_pngData) delete[] m_pngData;
m_pngSize = size;
m_pngData = (void*) new char[m_pngSize];
m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize);
memcpy( m_pngData, buf, m_pngSize );
wxMemoryInputStream mstream( (char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize );
wxImage image;
wxPNGHandler handler;
handler.LoadFile( &image, mstream );
if ( !handler.LoadFile( &image, mstream ) )
return FALSE;
m_bitmap = image.ConvertToBitmap();
void wxBitmapDataObject::DoConvertToPng()
if (!m_bitmap.Ok()) return;
if (!m_bitmap.Ok())
wxImage image( m_bitmap );
wxPNGHandler handler;
wxCountingOutputStream count;
handler.SaveFile( &image, count );
m_pngSize = count.GetSize() + 100; // sometimes the size seems to vary ???
m_pngData = (void*) new char[m_pngSize];
m_pngData = malloc(m_pngSize);
wxMemoryOutputStream mstream( (char*) m_pngData, m_pngSize );
handler.SaveFile( &image, mstream );

View File

@ -363,26 +363,6 @@ bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
return FALSE;
// wxClipboardModule
bool wxClipboardModule::OnInit()
wxTheClipboard = new wxClipboard();
return TRUE;
void wxClipboardModule::OnExit()
if (wxTheClipboard) delete wxTheClipboard;
wxTheClipboard = (wxClipboard*) NULL;
#if 0

View File

@ -778,25 +778,6 @@ bool wxClipboard::GetData( wxDataObject *data )
// wxClipboardModule
bool wxClipboardModule::OnInit()
wxTheClipboard = new wxClipboard();
return TRUE;
void wxClipboardModule::OnExit()
if (wxTheClipboard) delete wxTheClipboard;
wxTheClipboard = (wxClipboard*) NULL;
#error "Please turn wxUSE_CLIPBOARD on to compile this file."
#endif // wxUSE_CLIPBOARD

View File

@ -177,11 +177,6 @@ wxDropSource::wxDropSource(wxDataObject& data,
void wxDropSource::SetData(wxDataObject& data)
m_pData = &data;