[*] Improve readme by readding the <...> include to indicate the user should include their public api to initialize the interfaces within that particular header
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Aurora Interfaces
This library implements the macros required to define Aurora style interfaces. Defines two classes implementable by SWIG, CppSharp, and classical event interface inheritance; and implementable by std::function for modern C++ and runtime language bindings respectively. The former is simply defined as a structure containing virtual methods as laid out by AUI_METHODs. Latterly, the base interface is extended and implemented by an array of overloaded method defintions and std::function member fields. The latter type variant includes type defintions of each functional type, where each method type is defined as IMyInterfaceFunctional::methodName_t; and includes a copy and a move constructor for when the implementation is available at time of construction.
Example usage:
In your common header:
#if defined(MY_LIB_GEN_BINDINGS)
#define LIB_INTERFACE(name, list) AUI_INTERFACE_IMPL(name, list)
#define LIB_INTERFACE(name, list) AUI_INTERFACE_FWD(name, list)
In your public API:
AUI_METHOD(void, onButtonPress, (AuUInt8, mb)),
AUI_METHOD(void, onButtonTick, (AuUInt8, mb)),
AUI_METHOD(void, onButtonUp, (AuUInt8, mb))
In a dedicated translation unit:
#include <AuroraForEach.hpp>
#include <AuroraInterfaces.hpp>
#include <[MyPublicAPI].hpp>
Usage: C++ inheritance (covers SWIG and CppSharp)
#include <AuroraForEach.hpp>
#include <AuroraInterfaces.hpp>
#include <[MyPublicAPI].hpp>
struct MyEventHandler : public IInputMouseSubscriber
void onButtonPress(AuUInt8 mb) override;
void onButtonTick(AuUInt8 mb) override;
void onButtonUp(AuUInt8 mb) override;
static AuSPtr<IInputMouseSubscriber> MyMouseSubscriber()
return AuMakeShared<MyEventHandler>();
Usage: Runtime bindings and modern C++
// My language binding
IInputMouseSubscriberFunctional test;
test.onButtonPress = [](AuUInt8 btn)
AuSPtr<IInputMouseSubscriber> handle = AuUnsafeRaiiToShared(&test);
// use handle with an Aurora API
- AuroraForEach [header only]