This will help us reduce cpu usage and latency at the cost of 32 bytes.
We are now hopelessly oversized: 136 bytes for a single primitive. 104 was barely passble.
[*] revert win32 net tx hardening - do not use the Reset function to null pSocket
[*] fix a bytebuffer circular buffer path
[*] update how TLS protocol stacks can snap the stack
[+] AuMemory::ByteBuffer.flagNoFree
[*] SetBuffer(MemoryViewRead readView, bool bMoveWriteHeadForReaders = true);
...added bMoveWriteHeadForReaders
[-] AuMemory::SetBuffer(const void *in, AuUInt length)
[-] AuMemory::SetBuffer(const AuList<AuUInt8> &buffer)
[*] Harden AuMemory::ByteBuffer::RemainingBytes bc it is a high level api that is not called excessively. Invalid head states should not mess with ::CanRead/::CanWrite
[*] Harden AuMemory::ByteBuffer::RemainingWrite bc it is a high level api that is not called excessively. Invalid head states should not mess with ::CanRead/::CanWrite
[+] IConditionMutex::TryLock()
... Timed is still too much of an ask for this interface, i think. There's a good reason as to why this isn't a iwaitable. This condvar interface must be as common and primitive as possible.
[*] Refactor NoncanonicalInput
[*] Fix various keys resort in NUL getting added to ConsoleTTYs input field
[*] Fix multichar right key input (finish TODO note)
[*] Hex grammar: literals may end with 'h' now that i think about it. also added wiresharks seperator. let's continue to simply make sure we cover all forms of hex in a reasonably liberal fashion to account for user input from various human written and software form.
(Nonuniform style of non-hex illegal chars are fine so long as it looks and reads like a legal array of hex characters. Comas must come directly after literals, possible [0x] prefixes are fine, whitespaces too, copy/pasted '[', ']', '{', '}', 'reasonable' new line rejection, etc)
[+] Upcoming failure categories
[+] Updated SysPushXXX prototypes
[*] Restore bandwidth OnTick position for extrapolate (using current frame stats, ref to last) fractional lerps into the future with ref to average
[*] Compression.cpp AuList<AuUInt8> upgrade was incomplete & could've been improved with modern apis
[+] IOProcessor::WakeupThread
[+] NT: Begin hacking in timeBeginPeriod (must spam it in some places)
[+] ConsoleTTY (more specifically the win32 calls) are too slow to run on the mainthread. Delegate to worker.
[*] AuTime.CurrentClockSteady
[*] AuTime.CurrentClockSteadyMS
[*] AuTime.CurrentClockSteadyNS
[+] IOPipeRequest::uMinBytesToRead
[+] (secret api intended for unix users) AuIO::NewLSOSHandleEx
[*] Fix quirks when running Gtk under an io processor
...CtxYield shouldn't spin while work (improper breakout on remote update)
[*] EFileOpenMode::eWrite should assume O_CREAT semantics making eReadWrite somewhat redundant. OpenWrite + eWrite should reasonably work with file-appends. it should not mean force create + cucked GetLength().
[*] ISocket::Shutdown(*bool bNow*), allowing for flush of the send channel when false
[*] Fix StartRead and StartWrite after shutdown (NT)
[*] Amended dead-lock
[+] IOPipeRequestAIO::uStartOffset
[*] Fix Zstd frames being finicky
[*] Fix compression interceptor invalid weak reference to pipe that
[*] Fix WinFileStream::GetOffset using wrong enumeration
[*] Null ByteBuffer flags on init bc not all operators and constructors account for them
[will prevent bugs in the future]
[*] Prevent AuByteBuffer::begin from exploding user code by providing normalized begin positions
[*] Update AuByteBuffer string write
[*] Redefine AuByteBuffer::data() as the bytebuffers base
[*] Various pointer normalization improvements in ByteBuffer_Position.inl
[*] Update comments
[*] Update KCryptoAES: use streamable buffers. deprecate legacy vec<8>::size() based logic - AuByteBuffer (replacing vec8)::begin, ::end still works.
[*] IO pipe buffers should no longer be marked as circular
[*] ByteBuffer::IsValid() will now return true if there is no underlying buffer so long as the object is marked with the dynamic scaling flag (no contents isnt an invalid state; alloc failure on construct and ad-hoc failure is. latterly, specify the write flag on failure in the ByteBuffer::Write method.) the alloc error can be safely unwound by state raii helpers bc realloc and frens will not free or dirty the state. write-fail-aware may roll back the write head, like how readers can roll back the read head if the stream is incomplete.
> GetForcedMinRounds
> GenSalt
> HashPW
> HashPWEx
> CheckPassword
> CheckPasswordEx
[*] Refactor AuCompression APIs
[*] Clean up AuTryConstructs
[+] Internal compression API for compression based interceptors
[+] Root-level input stream arg check for all compression apis (harden)
[*] Clean up AuCompression code
[+] Solar Designer / OpenWall blowfish crypt
[*] BlowCrypt: accept length input parameter
[*] Split locale into 2 source files
[-] Ugly comment from Open.Win32.cpp. TODO: Readd later. Might warn on empty string bc it makes sense given, "." and "/" normalizes to nothing, and memory pre-idc-if-drops are dropped siliently.
(prepend makes sense for outbound stacks, where you might register the compression/crypto stages first, then return an object to the caller who may wish to prepend the input processors. http might need it.)
Network ]====================================================================
[+] Added (very) early Aurora::IO::Net implementation
[+] AuNet::EHostnameType
[+] AuNet::EIPProtocol
[+] AuNet::ENetworkError
[+] AuNet::ETransportProtocol
[+] AuNet::INetInterface
[+] AuNet::INetSrvDatagram
[+] AuNet::INetSrvResolve
[+] AuNet::INetSrvSockets
[+] AuNet::INetSrvWorkers
[+] AuNet::INetWorker
[+] AuNet::IPAddress
[+] AuNet::IResolver
[+] AuNet::ISocket
[+] AuNet::IResolver
[+] AuNet::ISocketBase
[+] AuNet::ISocketChannel
[+] AuNet::ISocketDriver
[+] AuNet::ISocketDriverFactory
[+] AuNet::ISocketServer
[+] AuNet::ISocketServerDriver
[+] AuNet::NetEndpoint
[+] AuNet::NetError
[+] AuNet::NetHostname
Protocol ]===================================================================
[+] IProtocolInterceptor
[+] IProtocolInterceptorEx
[+] IProtocolStack
TLS ]========================================================================
[+] ITLSContext
[+] TLSProtocolRecv
[+] TLSProtocolSend
IO Bug Fixes ]===============================================================
[*] IOProcessor::SubmitIOWorkItem should signal the CvEvent, forcing at least once future tick (wont optimize with if in tick & not yet dispatched work items)
[*] Split IOPipeWork in into IOPipeProcessor header
[+] IOPipeWork::GetBuffer (internal reallocation)
[*] Harden against IAsyncTransactions without a loop source
[*] Missing null `if (processor->listener)` in IOProcessor
[*] Solved some soft-lock conditions under Linux's LoopQueue (added deferred commits)
[*] Quick hack: IOProcessor::HasItems() should OR the early can-tick check function.
Other ]======================================================================
[+] Linux: LSSignalCatcher
[+] `static void AuResetMember(Aurora::Memory::ByteBuffer &ref)` for AuROXTL
[*] Attempt to enforce a normalization and don't overwrite-readptr-under-istreamwriters policy in ByteBuffer_ReadWrite (circular buffers)
[*] Bad ECC ctors
Known issues ]===============================================================
> Linux net is nowhere near done
> UDP socket emulation layer isn't implemented
> Ciphersuite API is a stub
> Private key API is a stub
> ...therefore no TLS servers
> Missing thread safety precautions under net
> Net implementation is still beri early
[*] Fixed build errors post refactor
[*] Don't create an epoll for a read-poll, reuse fd
[+] AuByteBuffer:Allocate(AuUInt length, AuUInt alignment)
[*] NT+Linux: Ensure IO buffers are aligned to AuHwInfo::GetPageSize()
[*] Fix bug in IOProcessor where work items were not enough to cont execution in a loop checking ::HasItems
[+] PromiseCallbackFunctional constructor with one functor arg
[+] Begin work on IO futexes for io release on process/thread exit
[+] Linux ::readdir iteration
[+] AuConsole buffering API
[*] Fix sleep as to not get interrupted by signals
[*] Switch the type of FS lock used under Linux
[*] Linux: Use new IPCHandle encoding scheme
[*] Fix undefined behaviour: unintialized timeout values (AuLoop/Linux)
[*] Fix undefined behaviour: ConsoleTTY clear line was called of a color of a random value on stack
[-] Remainings of std dir iterator
[*] Fix pthread_kill (aka send signal to pthread handle) always kills process. This is what you expect bc signal handler inheritance.
[*] Reformat the build Aurora.json file
[+] Added clang warning ignores to the build file
[*] Fix: UNIX need to use STDOUT_FILENO. Was using CRT handle in place of fd by mistake.
[+] Linux implementation for IO yield (AuIO::IOYield() - UNIX::LinuxOverlappedYield())
[*] Fix: Linux async end of stream processing. res 0 = zero bytes consumed. <= was detecting this as an error of code 0. Should succeed with zero bytes.
[+] Linux LoopQueue missing epilogue hook for the IO processor
[*] Various refactors and minor bug fixes
[*] Linux fix: Handle pipe EOS as zero
[*] Linux fix: thread termination via a user signal of 77. Need a force terminate.
[*] IPC handle: fix improper int to bool cast in the header setup within ToString
[*] Linux fix: HWInfo CPU topology regression
[-] Linux fix: remove SIGABRT handler
[*] Missing override in compression, exit, and consoletty headers.
[+] Unix Syslog logger backend
[*] NT async file: error 38 "Reached the end of the file." should be handled as a zero length packet much like ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE for stream read interface consistency
[*] FIX: Missing `this->isStream = isStream;`
[*] FIX: Blocking APIs under async objects under NT were using illegal calls that were for some reason not failing
[+] IOProcessor::StartSimpleIOWatch(const AuSPtr<IIOWaitableItem> &object, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener> &listener)
[+] IOProcessor::StartSimpleLSWatch(const AuSPtr<Loop::ILoopSource> &source, const AuSPtr<IIOSimpleEventListener> &listener)
[*] IOAdapterAsyncStream should reset the transactions IO state upon reaching end of segment (should this be per tick?) or upon stream error - otherwise, we end up spinning on a stuck event forever
[*] Fix non-linear path under read of the AuByteBuffer
[*] Fix various other nonlinear conditions under AuByteBuffer
[*] IOProcessor releases registered io item from queue upon request
[*] Fix ConsoleMessage::Write -> enumeration of color should be casted to a uint8
[+] Error telemetry under async task creation
[*] Fix various lock ups and non-blocking spins related to erroneous InternalRunOne impl. Residual preemptive batching was fucking with modern io.
[*] Cleanup TaskFrom/JobFrom. More work required to clean up legacy piss
[+] IIOBufferedStreamAvailable callback
[+] IIOProcessor singleshot work items / IIOProcessorWorkUnit
[+] IOPipeCallback description of a pipes destination
[+] IOPipeInputData description of a pipes source
[+] IOPipeRequest, IOPipeRequestAIO, IOPipeRequestBasic
[+] IPipeBackend hooks for on start/end hooks of IOPipeRequestBasics
[*] Update IOAdapaterAsyncStream implementation to better support caller buffering
[*] Updated IAsyncStreamReader to include a warm/dequeue API for direct async usage
[*] Fix NT IO regressions
[*] Fix ThreadPool shutdown on an unregistered thread
[*] Fix race condition in Async.NT.cpp & fix signalable state to closely match Linux (dunno how this was passing before)
[*] Refactor IOProcessorWorkUnit -> IIOProcessorWorkUnit
[*] Update experimental header to include the changes
[+] if ^::eString, [+] ...isControlSequence, isAltSequence, isShiftSequence
[*] Update semaphore from class to struct types
[*] GetProfileDomain and frens should check the result string length before returning true
[*] Expand watcher API -> Breaking NT
[*] Reexpand loop queue API -> Breaking NT
[*] Linux CPUInfo clean up
[*] Bug fix: mkdir should set execute flag... because directories are special
[*] Refactor: Cleanup base64
[*] Bug fix: UNIX path normalization
[*] Bug fix: missing O_CREAT flag (au auto-creates)
[*] Normalize line endings
[*] Treat SIGTERM the same as SIGINT. SIGINT is somewhat of an arachic signal meaning, "hey dumb unix app, fuck the process group, start reading from stdin to listen to the user." Nowadays, this doesn't mean anything other than "hey, a human asked us to terminate from a TTY" - basically the same as SIGTERM, except SIGTERM is more likely to be a scheduled or otherwise expected shutdown event.