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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
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#include "../version.h"
#include "../far/types.h"
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Far {
/// \brief Local patch parameterization descriptor
/// Coarse mesh faces are split into sets of patches in both uniform and feature
/// adaptive modes. In order to maintain local patch parameterization, it is
/// necessary to retain some information, such as level of subdivision, face-
/// winding status... This parameterization is directly applicable to ptex textures,
/// but has to be remapped to a specific layout for uv textures.
/// Bitfield layout :
/// Field | Bits | Content
/// -----------|:----:|------------------------------------------------------
/// level | 3 | the subdivision level of the patch
/// nonquad | 1 | whether the patch is the child of a non-quad face
/// boundary | 4 | boundary edge mask encoding
/// transition | 4 | transition edge mask encoding
/// v | 10 | log2 value of u parameter at first patch corner
/// u | 10 | log2 value of v parameter at first patch corner
/// Note : the bitfield is not expanded in the struct due to differences in how
/// GPU & CPU compilers pack bit-fields and endian-ness.
struct PatchParam {
Index faceIndex:32; // Ptex face index
struct BitField {
unsigned int field:32;
/// \brief Sets the values of the bit fields
/// @param u value of the u parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param v value of the v parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param rots rotations required to reproduce CCW face-winding
/// @param depth subdivision level of the patch
/// @param nonquad true if the root face is not a quad
void Set( short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition );
/// \brief Returns the log2 value of the u parameter at the top left corner of
/// the patch
unsigned short GetU() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 22) & 0x3ff); }
/// \brief Returns the log2 value of the v parameter at the top left corner of
/// the patch
unsigned short GetV() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 12) & 0x3ff); }
/// \brief Returns the transition edge encoding for the patch.
unsigned short GetTransition() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 8) & 0xf); }
/// \brief Returns the boundary edge encoding for the patch.
unsigned short GetBoundary() const { return (unsigned short)((field >> 4) & 0xf); }
/// \brief True if the parent coarse face is a non-quad
bool NonQuadRoot() const { return (field >> 3) & 0x1; }
/// \brief Returns the fratcion of normalized parametric space covered by the
/// sub-patch.
float GetParamFraction() const;
/// \brief Returns the level of subdivision of the patch
unsigned char GetDepth() const { return (unsigned char)(field & 0x7); }
/// The (u,v) pair is normalized to this sub-parametric space.
/// @param u u parameter
/// @param v v parameter
void Normalize( float & u, float & v ) const;
/// \brief Resets the values to 0
void Clear() { field = 0; }
} bitField;
/// \brief Sets the values of the bit fields
/// @param faceid ptex face index
/// @param u value of the u parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param v value of the v parameter for the first corner of the face
/// @param rots rotations required to reproduce CCW face-winding
/// @param depth subdivision level of the patch
/// @param nonquad true if the root face is not a quad
void Set( Index faceid, short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad ,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition );
/// \brief Resets everything to 0
void Clear();
typedef std::vector<PatchParam> PatchParamTable;
typedef Vtr::Array<PatchParam> PatchParamArray;
typedef Vtr::ConstArray<PatchParam> ConstPatchParamArray;
inline void
PatchParam::BitField::Set( short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition ) {
field = (u << 22) |
(v << 12) |
(transition << 8) |
(boundary << 4) |
((nonquad ? 1:0) << 3) |
(nonquad ? depth+1 : depth);
inline float
PatchParam::BitField::GetParamFraction( ) const {
if (NonQuadRoot()) {
return 1.0f / float( 1 << (GetDepth()-1) );
} else {
return 1.0f / float( 1 << GetDepth() );
inline void
PatchParam::BitField::Normalize( float & u, float & v ) const {
float frac = GetParamFraction();
// top left corner
float pu = (float)GetU()*frac;
float pv = (float)GetV()*frac;
// normalize u,v coordinates
u = (u - pu) / frac,
v = (v - pv) / frac;
inline void
PatchParam::Set( Index faceid, short u, short v, unsigned char depth, bool nonquad,
unsigned short boundary, unsigned short transition ) {
faceIndex = faceid;
inline void
PatchParam::Clear() {
faceIndex = 0;
} // end namespace Far
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv