- [Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Surfaces](http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cloop/tog2012.pdf).
- New API architecture : we are planning to lock on to this new framework as the basis for backward compatibility, which we will enforce from Release 1.0 onward. Subsequent releases of OpenSubdiv should not break client code.
- DirectX 11 support
- and much more...
- All data representation classes are now single-templated for a vertex class 'U'
- All constructors / instancing code has been moved into "Factory" functions that are dual-templated
for two vertex classes <class T, class U=T>. This allows hbr specialization with a placeholder
vertex flass 'T' for faster analysis without paying interpolation costs, while far can still specialize
a fully implemented vertex class 'U' with full subdivision functionality.
- Some preliminary clean-up work on FarVertexEditTables with the addition of a FarVertexEdit class
as a replacement for the former HbrVertedEdit which was introducing back dependencies on hbr. The
implementation is very lightweight. Some slight renaming / cleanup of the code, with some more to
be done.
- there are no more dependencies on hbr (not even #include) from far's data structure !
Notes :
- the FarDispatcher mechanism has become somewhat awkward and should be re-evaluated when refactoring osd.
- the "Factory" pattern survives this round of refactoring until we can find something better.
where it can cause havoc downstream, and move vertexBuffers into the cpp
file to avoid gl.h inclusion and to fix dynamic cast issues. These were
found during Presto integration.
kernel, call OsdKernelDispatcher::Factory::Register() and keep the integer
result value as kernel handle.
Attempted to elimiate registering function from client code, but currently
disabled (in kernelDispatcher.cpp) because of Maya plugin doesn't work with cuda
glutViewer creates kernel menu dynamically according to linked kernels.
Fix a bug of maya plugin crashes.
specification (how many elements exists in the buffer).
client will create OsdVertexBuffer and provide it as an argument of
OsdMesh::Subdivide() function. It would be more flexible and hopefully matches
various use cases.
Since each dispatcher has to accept arbitrary vertex buffer, introduced a simple
shader registry into glslDispatcher. It will configure shaders for given vertex
elements on demand (for now, just works only for varying buffer).
Fixed cuda kernel's GL resource leakage. Since cuda GL interop seems one-way,
OsdCudaVertexBuffer manages vertex updating instead of just using
Cleaned up some kernel codes and renamed ambiguous names.