2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright ( c ) 2015 Google Inc . http : //bulletphysics.org
This software is provided ' as - is ' , without any express or implied warranty .
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software .
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose ,
including commercial applications , and to alter it and redistribute it freely ,
subject to the following restrictions :
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented ; you must not claim that you wrote the original software . If you use this software in a product , an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required .
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such , and must not be misrepresented as being the original software .
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution .
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
# include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
# include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
# include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
# include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h" // Use your own timer, this timer is only used as we lack another timer
# include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonRigidBodyBase.h"
# include "../CommonInterfaces/CommonParameterInterface.h"
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
# include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/ConstraintSolver/btNNCGConstraintSolver.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btDantzigSolver.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btLemkeSolver.h"
# include "BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers/btMLCPSolver.h"
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
# include "../Utils/b3ERPCFMHelper.hpp" // ERP/CFM setting utils
static btScalar gSimulationSpeed = 1 ; // default simulation speed at startup
// the current simulation speeds to choose from (the slider will snap to those using a custom form of snapping)
namespace SimulationSpeeds {
static double /*0*/ PAUSE = 0 ;
static double /*1*/ QUARTER_SPEED = 0.25 ;
static double /*2*/ HALF_SPEED = 0.5 ;
static double /*3*/ NORMAL_SPEED = 1 ;
static double /*4*/ DOUBLE_SPEED = 2 ;
static double /*5*/ QUADRUPLE_SPEED = 4 ;
static double /*6*/ DECUPLE_SPEED = 10 ;
static double /*7*/ CENTUPLE_SPEED = 100 ;
static double /*8*/ QUINCENTUPLE_SPEED = 500 ;
static double /*9*/ MILLITUPLE_SPEED = 1000 ;
static double /*0*/ MAX_SPEED = MILLITUPLE_SPEED ;
static double /**/ NUM_SPEEDS = 11 ;
} ;
// add speeds from the namespace here
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
static double speeds [ ] = {
SimulationSpeeds : : PAUSE ,
SimulationSpeeds : : QUARTER_SPEED , SimulationSpeeds : : HALF_SPEED ,
SimulationSpeeds : : NORMAL_SPEED , SimulationSpeeds : : DOUBLE_SPEED ,
SimulationSpeeds : : QUADRUPLE_SPEED , SimulationSpeeds : : DECUPLE_SPEED ,
SimulationSpeeds : : CENTUPLE_SPEED , SimulationSpeeds : : QUINCENTUPLE_SPEED ,
SimulationSpeeds : : MILLITUPLE_SPEED } ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
static btScalar gSolverIterations = 10 ; // default number of solver iterations for the iterative solvers
static bool gIsHeadless = false ; // demo runs with graphics by default
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
static bool gChangeErpCfm = false ; // flag to make recalculation of ERP/CFM
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
static int gMinSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : PAUSE ; // the minimum simulation speed
static int gMaxSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : MAX_SPEED ; // the maximum simulation speed
static bool gMaximumSpeed = false ; // the demo does not try to achieve maximum stepping speed by default
static bool gInterpolate = false ; // the demo does not use any bullet interpolated physics substeps
static bool useSplitImpulse = true ; // split impulse fixes issues with restitution in Baumgarte stabilization
// http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=7117&p=24631&hilit=Baumgarte#p24631
// disabling continuous collision detection can also fix issues with restitution, though CCD is disabled by default an only kicks in at higher speeds
// set CCD speed threshold and testing sphere radius per rigidbody (rb->setCCDSpeedThreshold())
// all supported solvers by bullet
enum SolverEnumType {
} ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// solvers can be changed by drop down menu
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
namespace SolverType {
static char SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER [ ] = " Sequential Impulse Solver " ;
static char GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER [ ] = " Gauss-Seidel Solver " ;
static char NNCGSOLVER [ ] = " NNCG Solver " ;
static char DANZIGSOLVER [ ] = " Danzig Solver " ;
static char LEMKESOLVER [ ] = " Lemke Solver " ;
static char FSSOLVER [ ] = " FeatherStone Solver " ;
} ;
static const char * solverTypes [ NUM_SOLVERS ] ;
static SolverEnumType SOLVER_TYPE = SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER ; // You can switch the solver here
//TODO: Give specific explanations about solver values
* Step size of the bullet physics simulator ( solverAccuracy ) . Accuracy versus speed .
// Choose an appropriate number of steps per second for your needs
static btScalar gPhysicsStepsPerSecond = 60.0f ; // Default number of steps
//static btScalar gPhysicsStepsPerSecond = 120.0f; // Double steps for more accuracy
//static btScalar gPhysicsStepsPerSecond = 240.0f; // For high accuracy
//static btScalar gPhysicsStepsPerSecond = 1000.0f; // Very high accuracy
// appropriate inverses for seconds and milliseconds
static double fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec = 1.0f / gPhysicsStepsPerSecond ; // steps size in seconds
static double fixedPhysicsStepSizeMilli = 1000.0f / gPhysicsStepsPerSecond ; // step size in milliseconds
2016-09-17 22:52:08 +00:00
static btScalar gApplicationFrequency = 60.0f ; // number of internal application ticks per second
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
static int gApplicationTick = 1000.0f / gApplicationFrequency ; //ms
static btScalar gFramesPerSecond = 30.0f ; // number of frames per second
static btScalar gERPSpringK = 10 ;
static btScalar gERPDamperC = 1 ;
static btScalar gCFMSpringK = 10 ;
static btScalar gCFMDamperC = 1 ;
static btScalar gCFMSingularityAvoidance = 0 ;
//GUI related parameter changing helpers
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void twxChangePhysicsStepsPerSecond ( float physicsStepsPerSecond , void * ) { // function to change simulation physics steps per second
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
gPhysicsStepsPerSecond = physicsStepsPerSecond ;
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void twxChangeFPS ( float framesPerSecond , void * ) {
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
gFramesPerSecond = framesPerSecond ;
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void twxChangeERPCFM ( float notUsed , void * ) { // function to change ERP/CFM appropriately
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
gChangeErpCfm = true ;
inline void changeSolver ( int comboboxId , const char * item , void * userPointer ) { // function to change the solver
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_SOLVERS ; i + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( solverTypes [ i ] , item ) = = 0 ) { // if the strings are equal
SOLVER_TYPE = ( ( SolverEnumType ) i ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
b3Printf ( " =%s= \n Reset the simulation by double clicking it in the menu list. " , item ) ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
return ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
b3Printf ( " No Change " ) ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void twxChangeSolverIterations ( float notUsed , void * userPtr ) { // change the solver iterations
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void clampToCustomSpeedNotches ( float speed , void * ) { // function to clamp to custom speed notches
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
double minSpeed = 0 ;
double minSpeedDist = SimulationSpeeds : : MAX_SPEED ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < SimulationSpeeds : : NUM_SPEEDS ; i + + ) {
double speedDist = ( speeds [ i ] - speed > = 0 ) ? speeds [ i ] - speed : speed - speeds [ i ] ; // float absolute
if ( minSpeedDist > speedDist ) {
minSpeedDist = speedDist ;
minSpeed = speeds [ i ] ;
gSimulationSpeed = minSpeed ;
inline void switchInterpolated ( int buttonId , bool buttonState , void * userPointer ) { // toggle if interpolation steps are taken
gInterpolate = ! gInterpolate ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Interpolate substeps %s", gInterpolate?"on":"off");
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
inline void switchHeadless ( int buttonId , bool buttonState , void * userPointer ) { // toggle if the demo should run headless
gIsHeadless = ! gIsHeadless ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Run headless %s", gIsHeadless?"on":"off");
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
inline void switchMaximumSpeed ( int buttonId , bool buttonState , void * userPointer ) { // toggle it the demo should run as fast as possible
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Run maximum speed %s", gMaximumSpeed?"on":"off");
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
inline void setApplicationTick ( float frequency , void * ) { // set internal application tick
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
gApplicationTick = 1000.0f / frequency ;
* @ link : Gaffer on Games - Fix your timestep : http : //gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
struct NN3DWalkersTimeWarpBase : public CommonRigidBodyBase {
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
NN3DWalkersTimeWarpBase ( struct GUIHelperInterface * helper ) :
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
CommonRigidBodyBase ( helper ) ,
mPhysicsStepsPerSecondUpdated ( false ) ,
mFramesPerSecondUpdated ( false ) ,
mSolverIterationsUpdated ( false ) {
// main frame timer initialization
mApplicationStart = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< Initialize when the application started running */
mInputClock = mApplicationStart ; /**!< Initialize the last time the input was updated */
mPreviousModelIteration = mApplicationStart ;
mThisModelIteration = mApplicationStart ;
mApplicationRuntime = mThisModelIteration - mApplicationStart ; /**!< Initialize the application runtime */
// sub frame time initializations
mGraphicsStart = mApplicationStart ; /** !< Initialize the last graphics start */
mModelStart = mApplicationStart ; /** !< Initialize the last model start */
mInputStart = mApplicationStart ; /** !< Initialize the last input start */
mPhysicsStepStart = mApplicationStart ; /**!< Initialize the physics step start */
mPhysicsStepEnd = mApplicationStart ; /**!< Initialize the physics step end */
mLastGraphicsTick = 0 ;
mLastModelTick = 0 ;
mLastInputTick = 0 ;
mPhysicsTick = 0 ;
mInputDt = 0 ;
mModelAccumulator = 0 ;
mFrameTime = 0 ;
fpsTimeStamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; // to time the fps
fpsStep = 1000.0f / gFramesPerSecond ;
// performance measurements for this demo
performanceTimestamp = 0 ;
performedTime = 0 ; // time the physics steps consumed
speedUpPrintTimeStamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeSeconds ( ) ; // timer to print the speed up periodically
mLoopTimer . reset ( ) ;
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
~ NN3DWalkersTimeWarpBase ( ) {
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
void initPhysics ( ) { // initialize the demo
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
setupBasicParamInterface ( ) ; // setup adjustable sliders and buttons for parameters
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
m_guiHelper - > setUpAxis ( 1 ) ; // Set Y axis as Up axis
createEmptyDynamicsWorld ( ) ; // create an empty dynamic world
m_guiHelper - > autogenerateGraphicsObjects ( m_dynamicsWorld ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
void setupBasicParamInterface ( ) { // setup the adjustable sliders and button for parameters
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
{ // create a slider to adjust the simulation speed
// Force increase the simulation speed to run the simulation with the same accuracy but a higher speed
SliderParams slider ( " Simulation speed " ,
& gSimulationSpeed ) ;
slider . m_minVal = gMinSpeed ;
slider . m_maxVal = gMaxSpeed ;
slider . m_callback = clampToCustomSpeedNotches ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a button to switch to headless simulation
// This turns off the graphics update and therefore results in more time for the model update
ButtonParams button ( " Run headless " , 0 , true ) ;
button . m_callback = switchHeadless ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerButtonParameter (
button ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
{ // create a button to switch to maximum speed simulation (fully deterministic)
// Interesting to test the maximal achievable speed on this hardware
ButtonParams button ( " Run maximum speed " , 0 , true ) ;
button . m_callback = switchMaximumSpeed ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerButtonParameter (
button ) ;
{ // create a button to switch bullet to perform interpolated substeps to speed up simulation
// generally, interpolated steps are a good speed-up and should only be avoided if higher accuracy is needed (research purposes etc.)
ButtonParams button ( " Perform interpolated substeps " , 0 , true ) ;
button . m_callback = switchInterpolated ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerButtonParameter (
button ) ;
void setupAdvancedParamInterface ( ) {
solverTypes [ 0 ] = SolverType : : SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER ;
solverTypes [ 1 ] = SolverType : : GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER ;
solverTypes [ 2 ] = SolverType : : NNCGSOLVER ;
solverTypes [ 3 ] = SolverType : : DANZIGSOLVER ;
solverTypes [ 4 ] = SolverType : : LEMKESOLVER ;
solverTypes [ 5 ] = SolverType : : FSSOLVER ;
ComboBoxParams comboParams ;
comboParams . m_comboboxId = 0 ;
comboParams . m_numItems = NUM_SOLVERS ;
comboParams . m_startItem = SOLVER_TYPE ;
comboParams . m_callback = changeSolver ;
comboParams . m_items = solverTypes ;
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerComboBox ( comboParams ) ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of internal application ticks
// The set application tick should contain enough time to perform a full cycle of model update (physics and input)
// and view update (graphics) with average application load. The graphics and input update determine the remaining time
// for the physics update
SliderParams slider ( " Application Ticks " ,
& gApplicationFrequency ) ;
slider . m_minVal = gMinSpeed ;
slider . m_maxVal = gMaxSpeed ;
slider . m_callback = setApplicationTick ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of physics steps per second
// The default number of steps is at 60, which is appropriate for most general simulations
// For simulations with higher complexity or if you experience undesired behavior, try increasing the number of steps per second
// Alternatively, try increasing the number of solver iterations if you experience jittering constraints due to non-converging solutions
SliderParams slider ( " Physics steps per second " , & gPhysicsStepsPerSecond ) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 1000 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangePhysicsStepsPerSecond ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of frames per second
SliderParams slider ( " Frames per second " , & gFramesPerSecond ) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 200 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeFPS ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust the number of solver iterations to converge to a solution
// more complex simulations might need a higher number of iterations to converge, it also
// depends on the type of solver.
SliderParams slider (
" Solver interations " ,
& gSolverIterations ) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 1000 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangePhysicsStepsPerSecond ;
2016-11-21 00:38:11 +00:00
slider . m_clampToIntegers = true ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
// ERP/CFM sliders
// Advanced users: Check descriptions of ERP/CFM in BulletUtils.cpp
{ // create a slider to adjust ERP Spring k constant
SliderParams slider ( " Global ERP Spring k (F=k*x) " , &gERPSpringK) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 10 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeERPCFM ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust ERP damper c constant
SliderParams slider ( " Global ERP damper c (F=c*xdot) " , &gERPDamperC) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 10 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeERPCFM ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust CFM Spring k constant
SliderParams slider ( " Global CFM Spring k (F=k*x) " , &gCFMSpringK) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 10 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeERPCFM ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust CFM damper c constant
SliderParams slider ( " Global CFM damper c (F=c*xdot) " , &gCFMDamperC) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 10 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeERPCFM ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
{ // create a slider to adjust CFM damper c constant
SliderParams slider ( " Global CFM singularity avoidance " , & gCFMSingularityAvoidance ) ;
slider . m_minVal = 0 ;
slider . m_maxVal = 10 ;
slider . m_callback = twxChangeERPCFM ;
slider . m_clampToNotches = false ;
if ( m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) )
m_guiHelper - > getParameterInterface ( ) - > registerSliderFloatParameter (
slider ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
void createEmptyDynamicsWorld ( ) { // create an empty dynamics worlds according to the chosen settings via statics (top section of code)
///collision configuration contains default setup for memory, collision setup
m_collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration ( ) ;
///use the default collision dispatcher. For parallel processing you can use a diffent dispatcher (see Extras/BulletMultiThreaded)
m_dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher ( m_collisionConfiguration ) ;
// default broadphase
m_broadphase = new btDbvtBroadphase ( ) ;
// different solvers require different settings
switch ( SOLVER_TYPE ) {
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::SEQUENTIALIMPULSESOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
m_solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver ( ) ;
break ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::NNCGSOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
m_solver = new btNNCGConstraintSolver ( ) ;
break ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::DANZIGSOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
btDantzigSolver * mlcp = new btDantzigSolver ( ) ;
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver ( mlcp ) ;
break ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::GAUSSSEIDELSOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel * mlcp = new btSolveProjectedGaussSeidel ( ) ;
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver ( mlcp ) ;
break ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::LEMKESOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
btLemkeSolver * mlcp = new btLemkeSolver ( ) ;
m_solver = new btMLCPSolver ( mlcp ) ;
break ;
case FSSOLVER : {
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("=%s=",SolverType::FSSOLVER);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
//Use the btMultiBodyConstraintSolver for Featherstone btMultiBody support
m_solver = new btMultiBodyConstraintSolver ;
break ;
default :
break ;
//TODO: Set parameters for other solvers
m_dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld ( m_dispatcher ,
m_broadphase , m_solver , m_collisionConfiguration ) ;
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_minimumSolverBatchSize = 1 ; //for mlcp solver it is better to have a small A matrix
} else {
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_minimumSolverBatchSize = 128 ; //for direct solver, it is better to solve multiple objects together, small batches have high overhead
m_dynamicsWorld - > getDispatchInfo ( ) . m_useContinuous = true ; // set continuous collision
else {
//use btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld for Featherstone btMultiBody support
m_dynamicsWorld = new btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld ( m_dispatcher ,
m_broadphase , ( btMultiBodyConstraintSolver * ) m_solver ,
m_collisionConfiguration ) ;
changeERPCFM ( ) ; // set appropriate ERP/CFM values according to the string and damper properties of the constraint
if ( useSplitImpulse ) { // If you experience strong repulsion forces in your constraints, it might help to enable the split impulse feature
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_splitImpulse = 1 ; //enable split impulse feature
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulsePenetrationThreshold =
// -0.02;
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp2 = BulletUtils::getERP(
// fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec, 10, 1);
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulseTurnErp =
// BulletUtils::getERP(fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec, 10, 1);
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Using split impulse feature with ERP/TurnERP: (%f,%f)",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp2,
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_splitImpulseTurnErp);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_numIterations = gSolverIterations ; // set the number of solver iterations for iteration based solvers
m_dynamicsWorld - > setGravity ( btVector3 ( 0 , - 9.81f , 0 ) ) ; // set gravity to -9.81
btScalar calculatePerformedSpeedup ( ) { // calculate performed speedup
// we calculate the performed speed up
btScalar speedUp = ( ( double ) performedTime * 1000.0 ) / ( ( double ) ( mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) - performanceTimestamp ) ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
performedTime = 0 ;
performanceTimestamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ;
return speedUp ;
void timeWarpSimulation ( float deltaTime ) // Override this
void stepSimulation ( float deltaTime ) { // customly step the simulation
do {
// // settings
if ( mPhysicsStepsPerSecondUpdated ) {
changePhysicsStepsPerSecond ( gPhysicsStepsPerSecond ) ;
mPhysicsStepsPerSecondUpdated = false ;
if ( mFramesPerSecondUpdated ) {
changeFPS ( gFramesPerSecond ) ;
mFramesPerSecondUpdated = false ;
if ( gChangeErpCfm ) {
changeERPCFM ( ) ;
gChangeErpCfm = false ;
if ( mSolverIterationsUpdated ) {
changeSolverIterations ( gSolverIterations ) ;
mSolverIterationsUpdated = false ;
// structure according to the canonical game loop
// http://www.bulletphysics.org/mediawiki-1.5.8/index.php/Canonical_Game_Loop
// breaking conditions - if the loop should stop, then check it here
// model update - here you perform updates of your model, be it the physics model, the game or simulation state or anything not related to graphics and input
timeWarpSimulation ( deltaTime ) ;
if ( mLoopTimer . getTimeSeconds ( ) - speedUpPrintTimeStamp > 1 ) {
// on reset, we calculate the performed speed up
2017-01-16 06:26:11 +00:00
//double speedUp = ((double)performedTime*1000.0)/((double)(mLoopTimer.getTimeMilliseconds()-performanceTimestamp));
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Avg Effective speedup: %f",speedUp);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
performedTime = 0 ;
performanceTimestamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ;
speedUpPrintTimeStamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeSeconds ( ) ;
// update timers
mThisModelIteration = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ;
mFrameTime = mThisModelIteration - mPreviousModelIteration ; /**!< Calculate the frame time (in Milliseconds) */
mPreviousModelIteration = mThisModelIteration ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Current Frame time: % u", mFrameTime);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
mApplicationRuntime = mThisModelIteration - mApplicationStart ; /**!< Update main frame timer (in Milliseconds) */
mModelStart = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< Begin with the model update (in Milliseconds)*/
mLastGraphicsTick = mModelStart - mGraphicsStart ; /**!< Update graphics timer (in Milliseconds) */
if ( gMaximumSpeed /** If maximum speed is enabled*/ ) {
performMaxStep ( ) ;
} else { /**!< This mode tries to progress as much time as it is expected from the game loop*/
performSpeedStep ( ) ;
mInputStart = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< Start the input update */
mLastModelTick = mInputStart - mModelStart ; /**!< Calculate the time the model update took */
// Input update - Game Clock part of the loop
/** This runs once every gApplicationTick milliseconds on average */
mInputDt = mThisModelIteration - mInputClock ;
if ( mInputDt > = gApplicationTick ) {
mInputClock = mThisModelIteration ;
// mInputHandler.injectInput(); /**!< Inject input into handlers */
// mInputHandler.update(mInputClock); /**!< update elements that work on the current input state */
mGraphicsStart = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< Start the graphics update */
mLastInputTick = mGraphicsStart - mInputStart ; /**!< Calculate the time the input injection took */
// Graphics update - Here you perform the representation of your model, meaning graphics rendering according to what your game or simulation model describes
// In the example browser, there is a separate method called renderScene() for this
// Uncomment this for some detailed output about the application ticks
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf(
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
// "Physics time: %u milliseconds / Graphics time: %u milliseconds / Input time: %u milliseconds / Total time passed: %u milliseconds",
// mLastModelTick, mLastGraphicsTick, mLastInputTick, mApplicationRuntime);
} while ( mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) - fpsTimeStamp < fpsStep ) ; // escape the loop if it is time to render
// Unfortunately, the input is not included in the loop, therefore the input update frequency is equal to the fps
fpsTimeStamp = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
virtual bool keyboardCallback ( int key , int state )
switch ( key )
case ' 1 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : QUARTER_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 2 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : HALF_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 3 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : NORMAL_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 4 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : DOUBLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 5 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : QUADRUPLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 6 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : DECUPLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 7 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : CENTUPLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 8 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : QUINCENTUPLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 9 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : MILLITUPLE_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = false ;
return true ;
case ' 0 ' : {
gSimulationSpeed = SimulationSpeeds : : MAX_SPEED ;
gMaximumSpeed = true ;
return true ;
return CommonRigidBodyBase : : keyboardCallback ( key , state ) ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
void changePhysicsStepsPerSecond ( float physicsStepsPerSecond ) { // change the simulation accuracy
if ( m_dynamicsWorld & & physicsStepsPerSecond ) {
fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec = 1.0f / physicsStepsPerSecond ;
fixedPhysicsStepSizeMilli = 1000.0f / physicsStepsPerSecond ;
changeERPCFM ( ) ;
void changeERPCFM ( ) { // Change ERP/CFM appropriately to the timestep and the ERP/CFM parameters above
if ( m_dynamicsWorld ) {
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_erp = b3ERPCFMHelper : : getERP ( // set the error reduction parameter
fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec , // step size per second
gERPSpringK , // k of a spring in the equation F = k * x (x:position)
gERPDamperC ) ; // k of a damper in the equation F = k * v (v:velocity)
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_globalCfm = b3ERPCFMHelper : : getCFM ( // set the constraint force mixing according to the time step
gCFMSingularityAvoidance , // singularity avoidance (if you experience unsolvable constraints, increase this value
fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec , // steps size per second
gCFMSpringK , // k of a spring in the equation F = k * x (x:position)
gCFMDamperC ) ; // k of a damper in the equation F = k * v (v:velocity)
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld ERP: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_erp);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Bullet DynamicsWorld CFM: %f",
// m_dynamicsWorld->getSolverInfo().m_globalCfm);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
void changeSolverIterations ( int iterations ) { // change the number of iterations
m_dynamicsWorld - > getSolverInfo ( ) . m_numIterations = iterations ;
void changeFPS ( float framesPerSecond ) { // change the frames per second
fpsStep = 1000.0f / gFramesPerSecond ;
void performTrueSteps ( btScalar timeStep ) { // physics stepping without interpolated substeps
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
int subSteps = floor ( ( timeStep / fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ) + 0.5 ) ; /**!< Calculate the number of full normal time steps we can take */
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < subSteps ; i + + ) { /**!< Perform the number of substeps to reach the timestep*/
if ( timeStep & & m_dynamicsWorld ) {
// since we want to perform all proper steps, we perform no interpolated substeps
int subSteps = 1 ;
m_dynamicsWorld - > stepSimulation ( btScalar ( timeStep ) ,
btScalar ( subSteps ) , btScalar ( fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ) ) ;
void performInterpolatedSteps ( btScalar timeStep ) { // physics stepping with interpolated substeps
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
int subSteps = 1 + floor ( ( timeStep / fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ) + 0.5 ) ; /**!< Calculate the number of full normal time steps we can take, plus 1 for safety of not losing time */
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
if ( timeStep & & m_dynamicsWorld ) {
m_dynamicsWorld - > stepSimulation ( btScalar ( timeStep ) , btScalar ( subSteps ) ,
btScalar ( fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ) ) ; /**!< Perform the number of substeps to reach the timestep*/
void performMaxStep ( ) { // perform as many steps as possible
if ( gApplicationTick > = mLastGraphicsTick + mLastInputTick ) { // if the remaining time for graphics is going to be positive
mPhysicsTick = gApplicationTick /**!< calculate the remaining time for physics (in Milliseconds) */
- mLastGraphicsTick - mLastInputTick ;
else {
mPhysicsTick = 0 ; // no time for physics left / The internal application step is too high
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Application tick: %u",gApplicationTick);
// b3Printf("Graphics tick: %u",mLastGraphicsTick);
// b3Printf("Input tick: %u",mLastInputTick);
// b3Printf("Physics tick: %u",mPhysicsTick);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
if ( mPhysicsTick > 0 ) { // with positive physics tick we perform as many update steps until the time for it is used up
mPhysicsStepStart = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< The physics updates start (in Milliseconds)*/
mPhysicsStepEnd = mPhysicsStepStart ;
while ( mPhysicsTick > mPhysicsStepEnd - mPhysicsStepStart ) { /**!< Update the physics until we run out of time (in Milliseconds) */
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Physics passed: %u", mPhysicsStepEnd - mPhysicsStepStart);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
double timeStep = fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ; /**!< update the world (in Seconds) */
if ( gInterpolate ) {
performInterpolatedSteps ( timeStep ) ;
} else {
performTrueSteps ( timeStep ) ;
performedTime + = timeStep ;
mPhysicsStepEnd = mLoopTimer . getTimeMilliseconds ( ) ; /**!< Update the last physics step end to stop updating in time (in Milliseconds) */
void performSpeedStep ( ) { // force-perform the number of steps needed to achieve a certain speed (safe to too high speeds, meaning the application will lose time, not the physics)
if ( mFrameTime > gApplicationTick ) { /** cap frametime to make the application lose time, not the physics (in Milliseconds) */
mFrameTime = gApplicationTick ; // This prevents the physics time accumulator to sum up too much time
} // The simulation therefore gets slower, but still performs all requested physics steps
mModelAccumulator + = mFrameTime ; /**!< Accumulate the time the physics simulation has to perform in order to stay in real-time (in Milliseconds) */
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Model time accumulator: %u", mModelAccumulator);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
int steps = floor ( mModelAccumulator / fixedPhysicsStepSizeMilli ) ; /**!< Calculate the number of time steps we can take */
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
// b3Printf("Next steps: %i", steps);
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
if ( steps > 0 ) { /**!< Update if we can take at least one step */
double timeStep = gSimulationSpeed * steps * fixedPhysicsStepSizeSec ; /**!< update the universe (in Seconds) */
if ( gInterpolate ) {
performInterpolatedSteps ( timeStep ) ; // perform interpolated steps
} else {
performTrueSteps ( timeStep ) ; // perform full steps
performedTime + = timeStep ; // sum up the performed time for measuring the speed up
mModelAccumulator - = steps * fixedPhysicsStepSizeMilli ; /**!< Remove the time performed by the physics simulation from the accumulator, the remaining time carries over to the next cycle (in Milliseconds) */
void renderScene ( ) { // render the scene
if ( ! gIsHeadless ) { // while the simulation is not running headlessly, render to screen
CommonRigidBodyBase : : renderScene ( ) ;
2016-09-17 22:42:34 +00:00
if ( m_dynamicsWorld - > getDebugDrawer ( ) ) {
debugDraw ( m_dynamicsWorld - > getDebugDrawer ( ) - > getDebugMode ( ) ) ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
2016-09-17 23:03:41 +00:00
mIsHeadless = gIsHeadless ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
void resetCamera ( ) { // reset the camera to its original position
float dist = 41 ;
float pitch = 52 ;
float yaw = 35 ;
float targetPos [ 3 ] = { 0 , 0.46 , 0 } ;
m_guiHelper - > resetCamera ( dist , pitch , yaw , targetPos [ 0 ] , targetPos [ 1 ] ,
targetPos [ 2 ] ) ;
// loop timing components ###################
//# loop timestamps
btClock mLoopTimer ; /**!< The loop timer to time the loop correctly */
unsigned long int mApplicationStart ; /**!< The time the application was started (absolute, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mPreviousModelIteration ; /**!< The previous model iteration timestamp (absolute, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mThisModelIteration ; /**!< This model iteration timestamp (absolute, in Milliseconds) */
//# loop durations
long int mModelAccumulator ; /**!< The time to forward the model in this loop iteration (relative, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mFrameTime ; /**!< The time to render a frame (relative, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mApplicationRuntime ; /**!< The total application runtime (relative, in Milliseconds) */
long int mInputDt ; /**!< The time difference of input that has to be fed in */
unsigned long int mInputClock ;
long int mLastGraphicsTick ; /*!< The time it took the graphics rendering last time (relative, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mGraphicsStart ;
long int mLastInputTick ; /**!< The time it took the input to process last time (relative, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mInputStart ;
long int mLastModelTick ; /**!< The time it took the model to update last time
This includes the bullet physics update */
unsigned long int mModelStart ; /**!< The timestamp the model started updating last (absolute, in Milliseconds)*/
long int mPhysicsTick ; /**!< The time remaining in the loop to update the physics (relative, in Milliseconds)*/
unsigned long int mPhysicsStepStart ; /**!< The physics start timestamp (absolute, in Milliseconds) */
unsigned long int mPhysicsStepEnd ; /**!< The last physics step end (absolute, in Milliseconds) */
// to measure the performance of the demo
double performedTime ;
unsigned long int performanceTimestamp ;
unsigned long int speedUpPrintTimeStamp ;
unsigned long int fpsTimeStamp ; /**!< FPS timing variables */
double fpsStep ;
//store old values
bool mPhysicsStepsPerSecondUpdated ;
bool mFramesPerSecondUpdated ;
bool mSolverIterationsUpdated ;
2016-09-17 23:03:41 +00:00
bool mIsHeadless ;
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00
} ;
2016-10-22 20:50:08 +00:00
2016-09-16 07:49:18 +00:00