returns a pylist of contact points. Each point has the following data:
0 int m_contactFlags;//unused for now
1 int m_bodyUniqueIdA;
2 int m_bodyUniqueIdB;
3 int m_linkIndexA;
4 int m_linkIndexB;
5-6-7 double m_positionOnAInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
8-9-10 double m_positionOnBInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
11-12-13 double m_contactNormalOnBInWS[3];//the separating contact normal, pointing from object B towards object A
14 double m_contactDistance;//negative number is penetration, positive is distance.
15 double m_normalForce;
Small change that takes the world gravity and applies it to the
body during the call to inverse dynamics in the shared memory
interface. Otherwise the gravity vector is left at the default
value and there is currently no interface to set the gravity
for the inverse dynamics system.
Fix issue in contact/friction between btMultibody and btRigidBody (external force/torque of btRigidBody was not taken into account during contact/friction setup)
Allow 0.1 mm slop in contact, to avoid loosing contact. Todo: allow contacts with positive distance in multibody solver.
Shared memory api/pybullet: by default, set joint motors in position PD mode with target 0, to maintain 0 joint angle.
pybullet: allow setJointControlMode(body, link, POSITION_CONTROL,targetPos etc.
increase from 64 to 128 joints in shared memory API/pybullet
fix potential issue in tinyrenderer, related to missing segmentation mask buffer
report error if CMD_REQUEST_ACTUAL_STATE command on a multibody that exceed the number of links,
todo: stream data to allow arbitrary large number of links in shared memory API
Expose inverse dynamics to Bullet shared memory API, through b3CalculateInverseDynamicsCommandInit and
b3GetStatusInverseDynamicsJointForces command/status. See PhysicsClientExeample or pybullet for usage.
Add option for Windows and Linux to set python_lib_dir and python_include_dir for premake and --enable_pybullet option
Expose inverse dynamics to pybullet: [force] = p.calculateInverseDynamics(objectIndex,[q],[qdot],[acc])
Thanks to Jeff Bingham for the suggestion.
add wsg50 gripper with modified r2d2 gripper tip
expose a fudge factor to scale inertia, to make grasping more stable
(until we have better grasping contact model/implementation)
Compile using premake+visual studio, and compile App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR
Compile pybullet using cmake using cmake -DBUILD_PYBULLET=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Create a symbolic link from c:\python\dlls\pybullet.pyd to C:\develop\bullet3\cmp\lib\Release\pybullet.dll
Run Python. Here are some Python lines to get going:
import pybullet as p
Allow real-time simulation in physics server, add pybullet command setRealTimeSimulation to control it
Mesh decimation (reduce number of triangles/vertices) using a Blender modifier for Kuka IIWA and Husky
Disabled the 'glFlush' commands in GLInstancingRenderer.
Add VR controller methods to examples\CommonInterfaces\CommonExampleInterface.h
Use the ANSI version in Windows file/string operations instead of unicode, hope this doesn't break builds.
allow to reset the state of a single joint
allow to set the target/mode for a single joint motor at a time
rename pybullet API: initializeJointPositions -> resetJointState
Improve CMake Windows support to build PyBullet (BUILD_PYBULLET)
Implement b3LoadSdfCommandInit in shared memory API
Implement pybullet SDF loading binding, in loadSDF API
TODO for SDF support is provide way to query object/link/joint information.
add an example using 'direct'
fix the send-desired-state commands, to add flags for arguments set, using default values.
Start exposing SDF loading in shared memory api, not fully implemented yet.
See bullet3/examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/DefaultVisualShapeConverter.h
Give the kuka_iiwa/model.urdf some blue color, not just orange, to mimick the original a bit better
Preparation for the CMD_CAMERA_IMAGE_COMPLETED command, to expose a virtual camera to the robotics API
struct b3LinkState
double m_worldPosition[3];//this is the inertial frame
double m_worldOrientation[4];
double m_localInertialPosition[3];//this is the local frame from inertial to link frame
double m_localInertialOrientation[4];
const btTransform link_frame_world =
inertial_frame_world * m_local_inertial_frame->inverse();