Expose inverse dynamics to Bullet shared memory API, through b3CalculateInverseDynamicsCommandInit and
b3GetStatusInverseDynamicsJointForces command/status. See PhysicsClientExeample or pybullet for usage.
Add option for Windows and Linux to set python_lib_dir and python_include_dir for premake and --enable_pybullet option
Expose inverse dynamics to pybullet: [force] = p.calculateInverseDynamics(objectIndex,[q],[qdot],[acc])
Thanks to Jeff Bingham for the suggestion.
add wsg50 gripper with modified r2d2 gripper tip
expose a fudge factor to scale inertia, to make grasping more stable
(until we have better grasping contact model/implementation)
Compile using premake+visual studio, and compile App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR
Compile pybullet using cmake using cmake -DBUILD_PYBULLET=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
Create a symbolic link from c:\python\dlls\pybullet.pyd to C:\develop\bullet3\cmp\lib\Release\pybullet.dll
Run Python. Here are some Python lines to get going:
import pybullet as p
Allow real-time simulation in physics server, add pybullet command setRealTimeSimulation to control it
Mesh decimation (reduce number of triangles/vertices) using a Blender modifier for Kuka IIWA and Husky
Disabled the 'glFlush' commands in GLInstancingRenderer.
Add VR controller methods to examples\CommonInterfaces\CommonExampleInterface.h
Use the ANSI version in Windows file/string operations instead of unicode, hope this doesn't break builds.
allow to reset the state of a single joint
allow to set the target/mode for a single joint motor at a time
rename pybullet API: initializeJointPositions -> resetJointState
Improve CMake Windows support to build PyBullet (BUILD_PYBULLET)
Implement b3LoadSdfCommandInit in shared memory API
Implement pybullet SDF loading binding, in loadSDF API
TODO for SDF support is provide way to query object/link/joint information.
add an example using 'direct'
fix the send-desired-state commands, to add flags for arguments set, using default values.
Start exposing SDF loading in shared memory api, not fully implemented yet.
See bullet3/examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/DefaultVisualShapeConverter.h
Give the kuka_iiwa/model.urdf some blue color, not just orange, to mimick the original a bit better
Preparation for the CMD_CAMERA_IMAGE_COMPLETED command, to expose a virtual camera to the robotics API
struct b3LinkState
double m_worldPosition[3];//this is the inertial frame
double m_worldOrientation[4];
double m_localInertialPosition[3];//this is the local frame from inertial to link frame
double m_localInertialOrientation[4];
const btTransform link_frame_world =
inertial_frame_world * m_local_inertial_frame->inverse();