- fixing various race conditions throughout (usage of static vars, etc)
- addition of a few lightweight mutexes (which are compiled out by default)
- slight code rearrangement in discreteDynamicsWorld to facilitate multithreading
- PoolAllocator::allocate() can now be called when pool is full without
crashing (null pointer returned)
- PoolAllocator allocate and freeMemory, are OPTIONALLY threadsafe
(default is un-threadsafe)
- CollisionDispatcher no longer checks if the pool allocator is full
before calling allocate(), instead it just calls allocate() and
checks if the return is null -- this avoids a race condition
- SequentialImpulseConstraintSolver OPTIONALLY uses different logic in
getOrInitSolverBody() to avoid a race condition with kinematic bodies
- addition of 2 classes which together allow simulation islands to be run
in parallel:
- btSimulationIslandManagerMt
- btDiscreteDynamicsWorldMt
- MultiThreadedDemo example in the example browser demonstrating use of
OpenMP, Microsoft PPL, and Intel TBB
- use multithreading for other demos
- benchmark demo: add parallel raycasting
use btAssert to detect 0 determinant in btMatrix3x3 inverse
Remove obsolete comment in PosixSharedMemory, the Windows shared memory implementation was done over a year ago
add rolling/spinning friction to cube, remove it from plane/samurai.urdf
URDF2Bullet: support joint limits for revolute and prismatic, only if defined (if upper < lower, disable limit)
add some profiling markers to improve performance
Remove const qualifiers applied to POD return values, as these are
meaningless and ignored by the compiler and are therefore potentially
misleading. (They also trip -Wignored-qualifiers.)
rolling friction -> only along the normal, until we have separate rolling friction coefficients on normal and non-normal directions
Don't teleport with grasping controller (VR)
Tune VR grasping a bit.
URDF/SDF: add a flag to force concave mesh collisiofor static objects. <collision concave="yes" name="pod_collision">
VR: support teleporting using buttong, allow multiple controllers to be used, fast wireframe rendering,
Turn off warnings about deprecated C routine in btScalar.h/b3Scalar.h
Add a dummy return to stop a warning
Expose defaultContactERP in shared memory api/pybullet.
First start to expose IK in shared memory api/pybullet (not working yet)
returns a pylist of contact points. Each point has the following data:
0 int m_contactFlags;//unused for now
1 int m_bodyUniqueIdA;
2 int m_bodyUniqueIdB;
3 int m_linkIndexA;
4 int m_linkIndexB;
5-6-7 double m_positionOnAInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
8-9-10 double m_positionOnBInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
11-12-13 double m_contactNormalOnBInWS[3];//the separating contact normal, pointing from object B towards object A
14 double m_contactDistance;//negative number is penetration, positive is distance.
15 double m_normalForce;