returns a pylist of contact points. Each point has the following data:
0 int m_contactFlags;//unused for now
1 int m_bodyUniqueIdA;
2 int m_bodyUniqueIdB;
3 int m_linkIndexA;
4 int m_linkIndexB;
5-6-7 double m_positionOnAInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
8-9-10 double m_positionOnBInWS[3];//contact point location on object A, in world space coordinates
11-12-13 double m_contactNormalOnBInWS[3];//the separating contact normal, pointing from object B towards object A
14 double m_contactDistance;//negative number is penetration, positive is distance.
15 double m_normalForce;
Shared memory api/pybullet: by default, set joint motors in position PD mode with target 0, to maintain 0 joint angle.
pybullet: allow setJointControlMode(body, link, POSITION_CONTROL,targetPos etc.
Expose inverse dynamics to Bullet shared memory API, through b3CalculateInverseDynamicsCommandInit and
b3GetStatusInverseDynamicsJointForces command/status. See PhysicsClientExeample or pybullet for usage.
Add option for Windows and Linux to set python_lib_dir and python_include_dir for premake and --enable_pybullet option
Expose inverse dynamics to pybullet: [force] = p.calculateInverseDynamics(objectIndex,[q],[qdot],[acc])
Thanks to Jeff Bingham for the suggestion.
Improve CMake Windows support to build PyBullet (BUILD_PYBULLET)
Implement b3LoadSdfCommandInit in shared memory API
Implement pybullet SDF loading binding, in loadSDF API
TODO for SDF support is provide way to query object/link/joint information.
See bullet3/examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/DefaultVisualShapeConverter.h
Give the kuka_iiwa/model.urdf some blue color, not just orange, to mimick the original a bit better
Preparation for the CMD_CAMERA_IMAGE_COMPLETED command, to expose a virtual camera to the robotics API