p.connect(p.GUI, options="--background_color_red=1 --background_color_blue=1 --background_color_green=1")
If you use bullet_client.py, you can use:
p = bc.BulletClient(connection_mode=pybullet.GUI,options="--background_color_red=1 --background_color_blue=1 --background_color_green=1")
Currently the return data has to fit in shared memory, 8MB (Linux, Windows) or 1MB (Apple)
Preparation for streaming is added (to allow unlimited return data, see CMD_CUSTOM_COMMAND_STREAM_RETURN_DATA)
New C-API: b3GetStatusPluginCommandReturnData
PyBullet reports return data if available, in pybullet_executePluginCommand
For the plugin developer:
plugin can provide additional return data for executePluginCommand in the b3PluginContext, during executePluginCommand.
Lifetime of this m_returnData pointer is minimum of next call to the next executePluginCommand or plugin termination.
Currently a few collision frames in a1.urdf ("{FL/FR/RL/RR}_upper_shoulder") do not have <inertia> defined, and pybullet loads as if they have 1kg mass. This leads to inaccurate simulation results.
don't render deformables for TinyRenderer/EGL if p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_TINY_RENDERER,0)
Fix segmentation mask in tinyrenderer for deformables
1) allow to render deformables in 'getCameraImage', for TinyRenderer (tested OK) and EGL (untested)
2) allow to have textures for deformables. See deformable_ball.py, deformable_anchor.py and deformable_torus.py for examples
3) deformables: allow to request simulation mesh data (even if there is a render mesh) See deformable_anchor.py for an example usage
data = p.getMeshData(clothId, -1, flags=p.MESH_DATA_SIMULATION_MESH)
4) fix deletion of deformables, thanks to Fychuyan, https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/pull/3048
5) allow to enable and disable double-sided rendering, p.changeVisualShape(objectUid, linkIndex, flags=p.VISUAL_SHAPE_DOUBLE_SIDED)
6) fix GripperGraspExample, model not found
7) Fix deformable anchor not attaching to multibody with object unique id of 0
8) Fix issue with assignment of unique ids in TinyRenderer/EGL renderer (always use broadphase uid)
9) Avoid crash/issue of simulation with pinned vertices (mass 0) in btDeformableBackwardEulerObjective::applyExplicitForce
10) Store uv/normal in btSoftBody::RenderNode to allow textured meshes
11) (uncomment in btSoftBodyHelpers.cpp): dump vertices and indices in obj wavefront format, when loading a VTK file, for quicker creation of a (textured) surface mesh
12) allow interpolateRenderMesh also for old position-based soft bodies (not only the shiny new FEM deformables)
13) fix a few premake targets
14) update build_visual_studio_vr_pybullet_double_cmake.bat so it suits c:\python37 and installs locally
for local install of Bullet, see also this example https://github.com/erwincoumans/hello_bullet_cmake
* laikago_toes_zup.urdf: fill in inertia values, computed as PyBullet does internally (from mass and collision volumes)
* reset camera in the rendering thread to avoid artifacts
* reset camera in the rendering thread to avoid artifacts
* try to fix travis error