Avoid crash in BulletWorldImporter, ignoring 'invalid' constraints between two static bodies
Use a bitfield for btCollisionObject::CollisionObjectTypes (to allow custom types that are derived from build-in types such as btRigidBody)
Revert/improve softbody debug rendering
Create a separate library for MiniCL (a rudimentary OpenCL wrapper to run kernels on multi-core CPU using the default C++ compiler, using Win32 Threads or Posix)
tweak vectormath/vmInclude.h for PS3 platforms
fix warning in btKinematicCharacterController
move vectormath to src folder, and add a vmInclude.h that contains the logic in a single location.
If you still need a system-wide vectormath, make sure to define USE_SYSTEM_VECTORMATH (in build system)
Added assert to check for positive masses in btCompoundShape::calculatePrincipalAxisTransform, see Issue 399
Fixes for LLVM/GCC compilation issue in btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver
(Untested) fix for Linux 64bit compilation Issue 409
The kernel in the .cl file is also compiled by the native C++ cpu compiler, when using MiniCL.
When you want to debug the kernel using MiniCL, and want to put breakpoints, it is best to:
1) enabled the define #define DEBUG_MINICL_KERNELS 1 in Bullet/src/BulletMultiThreaded/MiniCL.cpp
2) temporarily remove the stringify lines in the .cl kernel, because it prevents the debugger from finding the right line.
Added Demos/ThreadingDemo showing how to use the cross-platform btThreadSupportInterface under Windows.
Added Demos/ParticlesOpenCL showing how to run the NVidia particle demo under OpenCL implementations by AMD, NVidia and MiniCL (CPU)
Thanks to mccdo at iastate.edu for the contribution, see Issue 373
+ Optimization: removed some unnecessary code in btConvexHullShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin
+ Added autogenerated Visual Studio 2005 projectfiles (using a patched cmake 2.8.1 to avoid any references to cmake/absolute paths)
Deal with broken DNA serialization. Bullet 2.76 release revision 2035 - 2046 was broken, and this includes the Maya Dynamica plugin.
Added some workaround to deal with the broken .bullet files, instead of crashing.
improve serialization based on feedback: make it easier to serialize a single object, or single shape, or single bvh.
Modified Bullet/Demos/ConcaveDemo to use btSerializer to serialize the btOptimizedBvh (or optionally the trimesh+bvh)
You can also serialize trimesh without BVH, use:
serializer->setSerializationFlags(BT_SERIALIZE_NO_BVH);// or BT_SERIALIZE_NO_TRIANGLEINFOMAP
Toggle between point to point and generic 6dof constraint for mouse picking in the demos
Use a 'equal vertex thresdhold' in the btVoronoiSimplexSolver of 0.0001f by default.
This can be disabled (or configured) using defaultCollisionConfiguration->getSimplexSolver()->setEqualVertexThreshold(0.f);
See http://code.google.com/p/bullet/issues/detail?id=305
move btTriangleInfoMap.h into its own header, into the BulletCollision/CollisionShapes folder
add btTriangleInfoMap pointer to btBvhTriangleMeshShape, so we don't need to use the 'userpointer' anymore
preparation for serialization of btTriangleInfoMap.
See also http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4603&start=30
So it is different from the in-place method (btQuantizedBvh::serializeInPlace/deserializeInPlace).
It is also possible to serialize/deserialize just the bvh, using the btSerializer (needs some code snippet/helper)
See also http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4770
moved some obsolete files to Extras/obsolete, and removed freeglut
moved ColladaDemo to Dynamica Maya plugin repository (it has COLLADA_DOM and libxml), see http://dynamica.googlecode.com
Added new .bullet file
Minor update in Bullet_User_Manual.pdf, removed obsolete Bullet_Faq.pdf
Serialization: remove obsolete autogenerated headers
Minor changes in btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver: split methods to make it easier to derive from the class and add functionality.