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// Copyright 2013 Pixar
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
// with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
// Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
// 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
// names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
// and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
// the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
// You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
2013-07-18 21:19:50 +00:00
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
// KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
#ifndef OSD_MESH_H
#define OSD_MESH_H
#include "../version.h"
#include <bitset>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "../far/topologyRefiner.h"
#include "../far/patchTablesFactory.h"
#include "../far/stencilTables.h"
#include "../far/stencilTablesFactory.h"
#include "../osd/vertexDescriptor.h"
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
struct ID3D11DeviceContext;
namespace OpenSubdiv {
namespace Osd {
enum MeshBits {
MeshAdaptive = 0,
MeshInterleaveVarying = 1,
MeshFVarData = 2,
MeshUseSingleCreasePatch = 3,
MeshEndCapBSplineBasis = 4, // exclusive
MeshEndCapGregoryBasis = 5, // exclusive
MeshEndCapLegacyGregory = 6, // exclusive
typedef std::bitset<NUM_MESH_BITS> MeshBitset;
2012-06-09 18:12:34 +00:00
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class DRAW_CONTEXT>
class MeshInterface {
typedef DRAW_CONTEXT DrawContext;
typedef typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding VertexBufferBinding;
MeshInterface() { }
virtual ~MeshInterface() { }
2012-06-09 18:12:34 +00:00
virtual int GetNumVertices() const = 0;
virtual void UpdateVertexBuffer(float const *vertexData,
int startVertex, int numVerts) = 0;
2012-06-09 18:12:34 +00:00
virtual void UpdateVaryingBuffer(float const *varyingData,
int startVertex, int numVerts) = 0;
virtual void Refine() = 0;
virtual void Synchronize() = 0;
2012-06-09 18:12:34 +00:00
virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() = 0;
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() = 0;
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() = 0;
virtual void SetFVarDataChannel(int fvarWidth,
std::vector<float> const & fvarData) = 0;
static inline void refineMesh(Far::TopologyRefiner & refiner,
int level, bool adaptive,
bool singleCreasePatch) {
if (adaptive) {
Far::TopologyRefiner::AdaptiveOptions options(level);
options.useSingleCreasePatch = singleCreasePatch;
} else {
// This dependency on FVar channels should not be necessary
bool fullTopologyInLastLevel = refiner.GetNumFVarChannels()>0;
Far::TopologyRefiner::UniformOptions options(level);
options.fullTopologyInLastLevel = fullTopologyInLastLevel;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
template <typename STENCIL_TABLES, typename DEVICE_CONTEXT>
Far::StencilTables const *table, DEVICE_CONTEXT *context) {
if (not table) return NULL;
return STENCIL_TABLES::Create(table, context);
template <>
Far::StencilTables const *
convertToCompatibleStencilTables<Far::StencilTables, void>(
Far::StencilTables const *table, void * /*context*/) {
// no need for conversion
// XXX: We don't want to even copy.
if (not table) return NULL;
return new Far::StencilTables(*table);
template <>
Far::StencilTables const *
convertToCompatibleStencilTables<Far::StencilTables, ID3D11DeviceContext>(
Far::StencilTables const *table, ID3D11DeviceContext * /*context*/) {
// no need for conversion
// XXX: We don't want to even copy.
if (not table) return NULL;
return new Far::StencilTables(*table);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename EVALUATOR>
class EvaluatorCacheT {
~EvaluatorCacheT() {
for(typename Evaluators::iterator it = _evaluators.begin();
it != _evaluators.end(); ++it) {
delete it->evaluator;
// XXX: FIXME, linear search
struct Entry {
Entry(VertexBufferDescriptor const &sd,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &dd,
EVALUATOR *e) : srcDesc(sd), dstDesc(dd), evaluator(e) {}
VertexBufferDescriptor srcDesc, dstDesc;
EVALUATOR *evaluator;
typedef std::vector<Entry> Evaluators;
template <typename DEVICE_CONTEXT>
EVALUATOR *GetEvaluator(VertexBufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DEVICE_CONTEXT *deviceContext) {
for(typename Evaluators::iterator it = _evaluators.begin();
it != _evaluators.end(); ++it) {
if (it->srcDesc.length == srcDesc.length and
it->srcDesc.stride == srcDesc.stride and
it->dstDesc.length == dstDesc.length and
it->dstDesc.stride == dstDesc.stride) {
return it->evaluator;
EVALUATOR *e = EVALUATOR::Create(srcDesc, dstDesc, deviceContext);
_evaluators.push_back(Entry(srcDesc, dstDesc, e));
return e;
Evaluators _evaluators;
// template helpers to see if the evaluator is instantiatable or not.
template <typename EVALUATOR>
struct instantiatable
typedef char yes[1];
typedef char no[2];
template <typename C> static yes &chk(typename C::Instantiatable *t=0);
template <typename C> static no &chk(...);
static bool const value = sizeof(chk<EVALUATOR>(0)) == sizeof(yes);
template <bool C, typename T=void>
struct enable_if { typedef T type; };
template <typename T>
struct enable_if<false, T> { };
// extract a kernel from cache if available
template <typename EVALUATOR, typename DEVICE_CONTEXT>
static EVALUATOR *GetEvaluator(
EvaluatorCacheT<EVALUATOR> *cache,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &srcDesc,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &dstDesc,
DEVICE_CONTEXT deviceContext,
typename enable_if<instantiatable<EVALUATOR>::value, void>::type*t=0) {
if (cache == NULL) return NULL;
return cache->GetEvaluator(srcDesc, dstDesc, deviceContext);
// fallback
template <typename EVALUATOR, typename DEVICE_CONTEXT>
static EVALUATOR *GetEvaluator(
EvaluatorCacheT<EVALUATOR> *,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &,
VertexBufferDescriptor const &,
typename enable_if<!instantiatable<EVALUATOR>::value, void>::type*t=0) {
return NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename VERTEX_BUFFER,
typename EVALUATOR,
typename DRAW_CONTEXT,
typename DEVICE_CONTEXT = void>
class Mesh : public MeshInterface<DRAW_CONTEXT> {
typedef VERTEX_BUFFER VertexBuffer;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
typedef EVALUATOR Evaluator;
typedef STENCIL_TABLES StencilTables;
typedef DRAW_CONTEXT DrawContext;
typedef DEVICE_CONTEXT DeviceContext;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
typedef EvaluatorCacheT<Evaluator> EvaluatorCache;
typedef typename DrawContext::VertexBufferBinding VertexBufferBinding;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
Mesh(Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
int level,
MeshBitset bits = MeshBitset(),
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
EvaluatorCache * evaluatorCache = NULL,
DeviceContext * deviceContext = NULL) :
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
_deviceContext(deviceContext) {
*_refiner, level,
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
int vertexBufferStride = numVertexElements +
(bits.test(MeshInterleaveVarying) ? numVaryingElements : 0);
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
int varyingBufferStride =
(bits.test(MeshInterleaveVarying) ? 0 : numVaryingElements);
level, bits);
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
// configure vertex buffer descriptor
_vertexDesc = VertexBufferDescriptor(0,
if (bits.test(MeshInterleaveVarying)) {
_varyingDesc = VertexBufferDescriptor(numVertexElements,
} else {
_varyingDesc = VertexBufferDescriptor(0,
// will retire
_drawContext->UpdateVertexTexture(_vertexBuffer, _deviceContext);
virtual ~Mesh() {
delete _refiner;
delete _patchTables;
delete _vertexBuffer;
delete _varyingBuffer;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
delete _vertexStencilTables;
delete _varyingStencilTables;
delete _drawContext;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
// deviceContext and evaluatorCache are not owned by this class.
virtual void UpdateVertexBuffer(float const *vertexData,
int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_vertexBuffer->UpdateData(vertexData, startVertex, numVerts,
virtual void UpdateVaryingBuffer(float const *varyingData,
int startVertex, int numVerts) {
_varyingBuffer->UpdateData(varyingData, startVertex, numVerts,
virtual void Refine() {
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
int numControlVertices = _refiner->GetNumVertices(0);
VertexBufferDescriptor srcDesc = _vertexDesc;
VertexBufferDescriptor dstDesc(srcDesc);
dstDesc.offset += numControlVertices * dstDesc.stride;
// note that the _evaluatorCache can be NULL and thus
// the evaluatorInstance can be NULL
// (for uninstantiatable kernels CPU,TBB etc)
Evaluator const *instance = GetEvaluator<Evaluator>(
_evaluatorCache, srcDesc, dstDesc, _deviceContext);
Evaluator::EvalStencils(_vertexBuffer, srcDesc,
_vertexBuffer, dstDesc,
instance, _deviceContext);
if (_varyingDesc.length > 0) {
VertexBufferDescriptor srcDesc = _varyingDesc;
VertexBufferDescriptor dstDesc(srcDesc);
dstDesc.offset += numControlVertices * dstDesc.stride;
instance = GetEvaluator<Evaluator>(
_evaluatorCache, srcDesc, dstDesc, _deviceContext);
if (_varyingBuffer) {
// non-interleaved
Evaluator::EvalStencils(_varyingBuffer, srcDesc,
_varyingBuffer, dstDesc,
instance, _deviceContext);
} else {
// interleaved
Evaluator::EvalStencils(_vertexBuffer, srcDesc,
_vertexBuffer, dstDesc,
instance, _deviceContext);
virtual void Synchronize() {
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
virtual DrawContext * GetDrawContext() {
return _drawContext;
virtual void SetFVarDataChannel(int fvarWidth,
std::vector<float> const & fvarData) {
if (_patchTables and
_drawContext and
fvarWidth and
(not fvarData.empty())) {
_drawContext->SetFVarDataTexture(*_patchTables, fvarWidth, fvarData,
virtual int GetNumVertices() const { return _numVertices; }
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer->BindVBO(_deviceContext);
virtual VertexBufferBinding BindVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer->BindVBO(_deviceContext);
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVertexBuffer() {
return _vertexBuffer;
virtual VertexBuffer * GetVaryingBuffer() {
return _varyingBuffer;
virtual Far::TopologyRefiner const * GetTopologyRefiner() const {
return _refiner;
void initializeContext(int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements,
int level, MeshBitset bits) {
Far::StencilTablesFactory::Options options;
options.generateOffsets = true;
options.generateIntermediateLevels =
_refiner->IsUniform() ? false : true;
Far::StencilTables const * vertexStencils = NULL;
Far::StencilTables const * varyingStencils = NULL;
if (numVertexElements>0) {
vertexStencils = Far::StencilTablesFactory::Create(*_refiner,
if (numVaryingElements>0) {
options.interpolationMode =
varyingStencils = Far::StencilTablesFactory::Create(*_refiner,
Far::PatchTablesFactory::Options poptions(level);
poptions.generateFVarTables = bits.test(MeshFVarData);
poptions.useSingleCreasePatch = bits.test(MeshUseSingleCreasePatch);
if (bits.test(MeshEndCapBSplineBasis)) {
} else if (bits.test(MeshEndCapGregoryBasis)) {
// points on gregory basis endcap boundary can be shared among
// adjacent patches to save some stencils.
poptions.shareEndCapPatchPoints = true;
} else if (bits.test(MeshEndCapLegacyGregory)) {
_patchTables = Far::PatchTablesFactory::Create(*_refiner, poptions);
// if there's endcap stencils, merge it into regular stencils.
if (_patchTables->GetEndCapVertexStencilTables()) {
// append stencils
if (Far::StencilTables const *vertexStencilsWithEndCap =
_patchTables->GetEndCapVertexStencilTables())) {
delete vertexStencils;
vertexStencils = vertexStencilsWithEndCap;
if (varyingStencils) {
if (Far::StencilTables const *varyingStencilsWithEndCap =
_patchTables->GetEndCapVaryingStencilTables())) {
delete varyingStencils;
varyingStencils = varyingStencilsWithEndCap;
_drawContext = DrawContext::Create(_patchTables, _deviceContext);
// numvertices = coarse verts + refined verts + gregory basis verts
_numVertices = vertexStencils->GetNumControlVertices()
+ vertexStencils->GetNumStencils();
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
// convert to device stenciltables if necessary.
_vertexStencilTables =
vertexStencils, _deviceContext);
_varyingStencilTables =
varyingStencils, _deviceContext);
// FIXME: we do extra copyings for Far::Stencils.
delete vertexStencils;
delete varyingStencils;
void initializeVertexBuffers(int numVertices,
int numVertexElements,
int numVaryingElements) {
if (numVertexElements) {
_vertexBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements,
numVertices, _deviceContext);
if (numVaryingElements) {
_varyingBuffer = VertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements,
numVertices, _deviceContext);
Far::TopologyRefiner * _refiner;
Far::PatchTables * _patchTables;
int _numVertices;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
VertexBuffer * _vertexBuffer;
VertexBuffer * _varyingBuffer;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
VertexBufferDescriptor _vertexDesc;
VertexBufferDescriptor _varyingDesc;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
StencilTables const * _vertexStencilTables;
StencilTables const * _varyingStencilTables;
EvaluatorCache * _evaluatorCache;
Refurbish osd layer API. In OpenSubdiv 2.x, we encapsulated subdivision tables into compute context in osd layer since those tables are order-dependent and have to be applied in a certain manner. In 3.0, we adopted stencil table based refinement. It's more simple and such an encapsulation is no longer needed. Also 2.0 API has several ownership issues of GPU kernel caching, and forces unnecessary instantiation of controllers even though the cpu kernels typically don't need instances unlike GPU ones. This change completely revisit osd client facing APIs. All contexts and controllers were replaced with device-specific tables and evaluators. While we can still use consistent API across various device backends, unnecessary complexities have been removed. For example, cpu evaluator is just a set of static functions and also there's no need to replicate FarStencilTables to ComputeContext. Also the new API delegates the ownership of compiled GPU kernels to clients, for the better management of resources especially in multiple GPU environment. In addition to integrating ComputeController and EvalStencilController into a single function Evaluator::EvalStencils(), EvalLimit API is also added into Evaluator. This is working but still in progress, and we'll make a followup change for the complete implementation. -some naming convention changes: GLSLTransformFeedback to GLXFBEvaluator GLSLCompute to GLComputeEvaluator -move LimitLocation struct into examples/glEvalLimit. We're still discussing patch evaluation interface. Basically we'd like to tease all ptex-specific parametrization out of far/osd layer. TODO: -implments EvalPatches() in the right way -derivative evaluation API is still interim. -VertexBufferDescriptor needs a better API to advance its location -synchronization mechanism is not ideal (too global). -OsdMesh class is hacky. need to fix it.
2015-05-09 00:31:26 +00:00
DrawContext *_drawContext;
DeviceContext *_deviceContext;
} // end namespace Osd
} // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
} // end namespace OpenSubdiv
#endif // OSD_MESH_H