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// Name: app.h
// Purpose: wxAppBase class and macros used for declaration of wxApp
// derived class in the user code
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by:
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_APP_H_BASE_
#define _WX_APP_H_BASE_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "appbase.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// typedefs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)) || defined (__WXPM__)
class WXDLLEXPORT wxApp;
typedef wxApp* (*wxAppInitializerFunction)();
// returning wxApp* won't work with gcc
#include "wx/object.h"
typedef wxObject* (*wxAppInitializerFunction)();
class WXDLLEXPORT wxCmdLineParser;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers we have to include here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "wx/event.h" // for the base class
#if wxUSE_GUI
#include "wx/window.h" // for wxTopLevelWindows
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
#if wxUSE_LOG
#include "wx/log.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const int wxPRINT_WINDOWS = 1;
static const int wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT = 2;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// support for framebuffer ports
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
// VS: Fullscreen/framebuffer application needs to choose display mode prior
// to wxWindows initialization. This class holds information about display
// mode. It is used by wxApp::Set/GetDisplayMode.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxDisplayModeInfo
wxDisplayModeInfo() : m_ok(FALSE) {}
wxDisplayModeInfo(const wxSize& size, unsigned depth)
: m_size(size), m_depth(depth), m_ok(TRUE) {}
const wxSize& GetScreenSize() const { return m_size; }
unsigned GetDepth() const { return m_depth; }
bool IsOk() const { return m_ok; }
wxSize m_size;
unsigned m_depth;
bool m_ok;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the common part of wxApp implementations for all platforms
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxAppBase : public wxEvtHandler
// the virtual functions which may/must be overridden in the derived class
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// called during the program initialization, returning FALSE from here
// prevents the program from continuing - it's a good place to create
// the top level program window and return TRUE.
// Override: always in GUI application, rarely in console ones.
virtual bool OnInit();
#if wxUSE_GUI
// a platform-dependent version of OnInit(): the code here is likely to
// depend on the toolkit. default version does nothing.
// Override: rarely.
virtual bool OnInitGui();
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// called to start program execution - the default version just enters
// the main GUI loop in which events are received and processed until
// the last window is not deleted (if GetExitOnFrameDelete) or
// ExitMainLoop() is called. In console mode programs, the execution
// of the program really starts here
// Override: rarely in GUI applications, always in console ones.
#if wxUSE_GUI
virtual int OnRun() { return MainLoop(); };
#else // !GUI
virtual int OnRun() = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// called after the main loop termination. This is a good place for
// cleaning up (it may be too late in dtor) and is also useful if you
// want to return some non-default exit code - this is just the return
// value of this method.
// Override: often.
virtual int OnExit();
// called when a fatal exception occurs, this function should take care
// not to do anything which might provoke a nested exception! It may be
// overridden if you wish to react somehow in non-default way (core
// dump under Unix, application crash under Windows) to fatal program
// errors, however extreme care should be taken if you don't want this
// function to crash.
// Override: rarely.
virtual void OnFatalException() { }
// the worker functions - usually not used directly by the user code
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
// execute the main GUI loop, the function returns when the loop ends
virtual int MainLoop() = 0;
// exit the main GUI loop during the next iteration (i.e. it does not
// stop the program immediately!)
virtual void ExitMainLoop() = 0;
// returns TRUE if the program is initialized
virtual bool Initialized() = 0;
// returns TRUE if there are unprocessed events in the event queue
virtual bool Pending() = 0;
// process the first event in the event queue (blocks until an event
// apperas if there are none currently)
virtual void Dispatch() = 0;
// process all currently pending events right now
// it is an error to call Yield() recursively unless the value of
// onlyIfNeeded is TRUE
// WARNING: this function is dangerous as it can lead to unexpected
// reentrancies (i.e. when called from an event handler it
// may result in calling the same event handler again), use
// with _extreme_ care or, better, don't use at all!
virtual bool Yield(bool onlyIfNeeded = FALSE) = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// application info: name, description, vendor
// -------------------------------------------
// NB: all these should be set by the application itself, there are no
// reasonable default except for the application name which is taken to
// be argv[0]
// set/get the application name
wxString GetAppName() const
if ( !m_appName )
return m_className;
return m_appName;
void SetAppName(const wxString& name) { m_appName = name; }
// set/get the app class name
wxString GetClassName() const { return m_className; }
void SetClassName(const wxString& name) { m_className = name; }
// set/get the vendor name
const wxString& GetVendorName() const { return m_vendorName; }
void SetVendorName(const wxString& name) { m_vendorName = name; }
#if wxUSE_GUI
// top level window functions
// --------------------------
// return TRUE if our app has focus
virtual bool IsActive() const { return m_isActive; }
// set the "main" top level window
void SetTopWindow(wxWindow *win) { m_topWindow = win; }
// return the "main" top level window (if it hadn't been set previously
// with SetTopWindow(), will return just some top level window and, if
// there are none, will return NULL)
virtual wxWindow *GetTopWindow() const
if (m_topWindow)
return m_topWindow;
else if (wxTopLevelWindows.GetCount() > 0)
return wxTopLevelWindows.GetFirst()->GetData();
return (wxWindow *)NULL;
// control the exit behaviour: by default, the program will exit the
// main loop (and so, usually, terminate) when the last top-level
// program window is deleted. Beware that if you disabel this (with
// SetExitOnFrameDelete(FALSE)), you'll have to call ExitMainLoop()
// explicitly from somewhere.
void SetExitOnFrameDelete(bool flag) { m_exitOnFrameDelete = flag; }
bool GetExitOnFrameDelete() const { return m_exitOnFrameDelete; }
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// cmd line parsing stuff
// ----------------------
// all of these methods may be overridden in the derived class to
// customize the command line parsing (by default only a few standard
// options are handled)
// you also need to call wxApp::OnInit() from YourApp::OnInit() for all
// this to work
// this one is called from OnInit() to add all supported options
// to the given parser
virtual void OnInitCmdLine(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called after successfully parsing the command line, return TRUE
// to continue and FALSE to exit
virtual bool OnCmdLineParsed(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called if "--help" option was specified, return TRUE to continue
// and FALSE to exit
virtual bool OnCmdLineHelp(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// called if incorrect command line options were given, return
// FALSE to abort and TRUE to continue
virtual bool OnCmdLineError(wxCmdLineParser& parser);
// miscellaneous customization functions
// -------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_LOG
// override this function to create default log target of arbitrary
// user-defined class (default implementation creates a wxLogGui
// object) - this log object is used by default by all wxLogXXX()
// functions.
virtual wxLog *CreateLogTarget()
#if wxUSE_GUI && wxUSE_LOGGUI && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
{ return new wxLogGui; }
#else // !GUI
{ return new wxLogStderr; }
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
#endif // wxUSE_LOG
#if wxUSE_GUI
// get the standard icon used by wxWin dialogs - this allows the user
// to customize the standard dialogs. The 'which' parameter is one of
// wxICON_XXX values
virtual wxIcon GetStdIcon(int which) const = 0;
// Get display mode that is used use. This is only used in framebuffer wxWin ports
// (such as wxMGL).
virtual wxDisplayModeInfo GetDisplayMode() const { return wxDisplayModeInfo(); }
// Set display mode to use. This is only used in framebuffer wxWin ports
// (such as wxMGL). This method should be called from wxApp:OnInitGui
virtual bool SetDisplayMode(const wxDisplayModeInfo& WXUNUSED(info)) { return TRUE; }
// VZ: what does this do exactly?
void SetWantDebugOutput( bool flag ) { m_wantDebugOutput = flag; }
bool GetWantDebugOutput() const { return m_wantDebugOutput; }
// set use of best visual flag (see below)
void SetUseBestVisual( bool flag ) { m_useBestVisual = flag; }
bool GetUseBestVisual() const { return m_useBestVisual; }
// set/get printing mode: see wxPRINT_XXX constants.
// default behaviour is the normal one for Unix: always use PostScript
// printing.
virtual void SetPrintMode(int WXUNUSED(mode)) { }
int GetPrintMode() const { return wxPRINT_POSTSCRIPT; }
// called by toolkit-specific code to set the app status: active (we have
// focus) or not and also the last window which had focus before we were
// deactivated
virtual void SetActive(bool isActive, wxWindow *lastFocus);
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// debugging support
// -----------------
// this function is called when an assert failure occurs, the base class
// version does the normal processing (i.e. shows the usual assert failure
// dialog box)
#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
virtual void OnAssert(const wxChar *file, int line, const wxChar *msg);
#endif // __WXDEBUG__
// implementation only from now on
// -------------------------------
// helpers for dynamic wxApp construction
static void SetInitializerFunction(wxAppInitializerFunction fn)
{ m_appInitFn = fn; }
static wxAppInitializerFunction GetInitializerFunction()
{ return m_appInitFn; }
// needed to avoid link errors
#ifdef __DARWIN__
virtual ~wxAppBase() { }
// process all events in the wxPendingEvents list
virtual void ProcessPendingEvents();
// access to the command line arguments
int argc;
wxChar **argv;
// function used for dynamic wxApp creation
static wxAppInitializerFunction m_appInitFn;
// application info (must be set from the user code)
wxString m_vendorName, // vendor name (ACME Inc)
m_appName, // app name
m_className; // class name
// TRUE if the application wants to get debug output
bool m_wantDebugOutput;
#if wxUSE_GUI
// the main top level window - may be NULL
wxWindow *m_topWindow;
// if TRUE, exit the main loop when the last top level window is deleted
bool m_exitOnFrameDelete;
// TRUE if the apps whats to use the best visual on systems where
// more than one are available (Sun, SGI, XFree86 4.0 ?)
bool m_useBestVisual;
// does any of our windows has focus?
bool m_isActive;
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// now include the declaration of the real class
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if wxUSE_GUI
#if defined(__WXMSW__)
#include "wx/msw/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMOTIF__)
#include "wx/motif/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMGL__)
#include "wx/mgl/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXGTK__)
#include "wx/gtk/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
#include "wx/mac/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXPM__)
#include "wx/os2/app.h"
#elif defined(__WXSTUBS__)
#include "wx/stubs/app.h"
#else // !GUI
// can't use typedef because wxApp forward declared as a class
class WXDLLEXPORT wxApp : public wxAppBase
#endif // GUI/!GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the global data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the one and only application object - use of wxTheApp in application code
// is discouraged, consider using DECLARE_APP() after which you may call
// wxGetApp() which will return the object of the correct type (i.e. MyApp and
// not wxApp)
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxApp*) wxTheApp;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// event loop related functions only work in GUI programs
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Force an exit from main loop
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxExit();
// Yield to other apps/messages
extern bool WXDLLEXPORT wxYield();
// Yield to other apps/messages
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxWakeUpIdle();
// Post a message to the given eventhandler which will be processed during the
// next event loop iteration
inline void wxPostEvent(wxEvtHandler *dest, wxEvent& event)
wxCHECK_RET( dest, wxT("need an object to post event to in wxPostEvent") );
#if wxUSE_GUI
#endif // wxUSE_GUI
// console applications may avoid using DECLARE_APP and IMPLEMENT_APP macros
// and call these functions instead at the program startup and termination
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if !wxUSE_GUI
// initialize the library (may be called as many times as needed, but each
// call to wxInitialize() must be matched by wxUninitialize())
extern bool WXDLLEXPORT wxInitialize();
// clean up - the library can't be used any more after the last call to
// wxUninitialize()
extern void WXDLLEXPORT wxUninitialize();
// create an object of this class on stack to initialize/cleanup thel ibrary
// automatically
class WXDLLEXPORT wxInitializer
// initialize the library
wxInitializer() { m_ok = wxInitialize(); }
// has the initialization been successful? (explicit test)
bool IsOk() const { return m_ok; }
// has the initialization been successful? (implicit test)
operator bool() const { return m_ok; }
// dtor only does clean up if we initialized the library properly
~wxInitializer() { if ( m_ok ) wxUninitialize(); }
bool m_ok;
#endif // !wxUSE_GUI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros for dynamic creation of the application object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Having a global instance of this class allows wxApp to be aware of the app
// creator function. wxApp can then call this function to create a new app
// object. Convoluted, but necessary.
class WXDLLEXPORT wxAppInitializer
wxAppInitializer(wxAppInitializerFunction fn)
{ wxApp::SetInitializerFunction(fn); }
// Here's a macro you can use if your compiler really, really wants main() to
// be in your main program (e.g. hello.cpp). Now IMPLEMENT_APP should add this
// code if required.
#if !wxUSE_GUI || defined(__WXMOTIF__) || defined(__WXGTK__) || defined(__WXPM__) || defined(__WXMGL__)
extern int wxEntry( int argc, char *argv[] ); \
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return wxEntry(argc, argv); }
#elif defined(__WXMAC__) && defined(__UNIX__)
// wxMac seems to have a specific wxEntry prototype
extern int wxEntry( int argc, char *argv[], bool enterLoop = 1 ); \
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return wxEntry(argc, argv); }
#elif defined(__WXMSW__) && defined(WXUSINGDLL)
// NT defines APIENTRY, 3.x not
#if !defined(WXAPIENTRY)
#include <windows.h>
#include "wx/msw/winundef.h"
extern "C" int WXAPIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,\
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,\
LPSTR m_lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)\
return wxEntry((WXHINSTANCE) hInstance,\
(WXHINSTANCE) hPrevInstance,\
m_lpCmdLine, nCmdShow);\
#ifdef __WXUNIVERSAL__
#include "wx/univ/theme.h"
WX_USE_THEME(win32); \
// Use this macro if you want to define your own main() or WinMain() function
// and call wxEntry() from there.
#define IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_MAIN(appname) \
wxApp *wxCreateApp() { return new appname; } \
wxAppInitializer wxTheAppInitializer((wxAppInitializerFunction) wxCreateApp); \
appname& wxGetApp() { return *(appname *)wxTheApp; }
// Same as IMPLEMENT_APP() normally but doesn't include themes support in
// wxUniversal builds
#define IMPLEMENT_APP_NO_THEMES(appname) \
// Use this macro exactly once, the argument is the name of the wxApp-derived
// class which is the class of your application.
#define IMPLEMENT_APP(appname) \
// this macro can be used multiple times and just allows you to use wxGetApp()
// function
#define DECLARE_APP(appname) extern appname& wxGetApp();