This follows existing patterns (more or less), but
there are certainly opportunities to move more of this
sort of logic into macros defined at the top level.
The example code now uses the new glfw*FramebufferSize methods
to determine the size of the windows's framebuffer for rendering
and glfw*WindowSize method for user interaction
- added a _stringify function to top CMakeLists
- switched all stringification tasks to use the macro
- all suffixes are now .gen.h instead of .inc (to help cmake track dependencies)
- set OBJECT targets for osd cpu & gpu libs, and use the obj target for
static and dynamic linking
- add a new examples_common_obj OBJECT target
- replace direct source dependencies to obj target in all examples CMakeLists
This change makes it possible to not re-compile the same source files
multiple times when they are used in multiple targets. Thanks to jcowles
for uncovering the CMake functionality.
Note: it seems that multi-process build is working again (gmake -j <x>)
Important notice: all client shader code must have following functions and compose them to osd intrinsic shaders (vertex/tessEval/tessControl)
mat4 OsdModelViewMatrix()
mat4 OsdProjectionMatrix()
mat4 OsdModelViewProjectionMatrix()
float OsdTessLevel()
int OsdGreogryQuadOffsetBase()
int OsdPrimitiveIdBase()
We probably should write a utility class for basic binding of them, to make client code simpler.
The previous fix pointed far indexing tables to the origin vertex
of duped singular verts.
This fix goes one step further and actually shifts all vertex indexing
to start at the end of the coarse mesh vertices, using the space for
data that was previously occupied by duplicated singular verts.
The consequence is that client code no longer needs to duplicate vertex
data in vertex buffers (huzzah !).
- fix FarSubdivisionTablesFactory to shift factory vertex table offsets using Hbr's
singular verts map
- fix schema table factories (Catmark, Loop...) to correctly use these offsets
- remove vertex data duplication code from osdPolySmooth example
- remove some (unrelated) cruft from glViewer example
- shape_utils unfortunately still needs to dubplicate the singular verts to
allow the coarse edge drawing in our example viewers to work correctly
(although it could be fixed to avoid data duplication too...)
The Chaikin crease interpolation mode seems to be broken:
- Catmark / Loop / Bilinear are passing the wrong halfedge vertex to the
SubdivideCreaseWeight function which results in sub-edge crease weights
being swapped
- the loop that iterates over adjacent edges needs to check against both
the original edge and its opposite, otherwise it may be incorrectly
accumulated into summation of these adjacent edges (with a 0.25 weight)
The proposed fix:
- Swaps the Dest/Org vertex passed to the SubdivideCreaseWeight (and
we probably want Julian to confirm that this the correct fix)
- Checks against both the original edge and its opposite in the iteration
over adjacent edges
- Replaces the std::vector based query with an HbrHalfedgeOperator for
better performance (hopefully)
The similar fix to OpenSubdiv been reviewed by Tony DeRose.
Also in the fix:
- fix "obj" tag parsing of the smooth triangle tag that was incorrectly
associated with the crease method (and reporting the wrong errors)
- add regression shapes for both Loop & Catmark schemes to hbr_regression
- add same shapes to the glViewer
- improve hbr_regression output to be more readable
- add command-line argument parsing to hbr_regression
- add functionality to dump an obj file when regression fails for comparison
- add 2 shape examples with Chaikin rule tag
- add shapes to the glViewer
- add a stub in the documentation
Note: the Chaikin rule currently applied by Hbr appears to be somewhat off...
New text:
Copyright 2013 Pixar
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
- fix FindGLFW.cmake to match the new locations
- fix all viewer & examples to build with 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.2
Note : ptxViewer and paintTest do not work with 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 (yet)
and adding the requisite accessors
Note : all our example code goes through the same boiler-plate texture
binding code - we might want to move it as a member function of the DrawContext.
be used as intended to specify an installation directory, which can be located anywhere on the
file system.
Also improved the doxygen target and made the doxy build "quiet".
- replace ptex indexing with the FarPtexCoord structure as a way to pass per-patch
ptex data to the shaders.
We are replacing a vector<int> arranged as :
int[0] : ptex face index
int[1] : (u,v) as 16 bits encoding the log2 coordinate of the top left corner
Instead we are now using a struct arranged as :
int[0] : ptex face index
int[1] : is a bit-field containing u,v, rotation, depth and non-quad
The u,v coordinates have been reduced to 10 bits instead of 16, which still
gives us a lot of margin.
- Replace OsdVertexBufferDescriptor with something more adequate for general
primvar representation (this name will probably eventually change...)
- Improve OsdPatchDescriptor
- add a "loop" boolean (true if the patch is of loop type)
- add a GetPatchSize() accessor
- OsdPatchArray :
- remove some redundant elements (still more to do there)
- Fix all shader / examples / regressions & stuff to make this all work.
2 client APIs are changed.
- VertexBuffer::UpdateData() takes start vertex offset
- ComputeController::Refine() takes FarKernelBatchVector
Also, ComputeContext no longer holds farmesh.
Client can free farmesh after OsdComputeContext is created.
(but still need FarKernelBatchVector to apply subdivision kernels)
- add tag parsing for h-hole in shape_utils
- re-create Renderman's test shape from the documentation (catmark_square_hedit.h)
- fix Hbr to correctly pass the hole tag from parent to child face
- fix FarSubdivisionTables to handle disconnected face-vertices without crashing
while retaining a necessary 1-ring on the inside of a hole edge
- add IsInsideHole() function to HbrHalfEdge
- add HasChild() function to HbrVertex and HbrHalfedge
- add a regression shape with adjacent holes and creases (tests dart, crease & boundaries)
Note : this does not address hierarchical edits inside holes or hole tags in hierarchical edits
Now a ComputeController is passed as an
argument to OsdMesh::Create(). This is
a better match to the underlying object
model and can be much more efficient for
compute controllers that have expensive
resources, e.g. compiled shader kernels.
- make sure HBR passes down the hole tag to children when subdividing faces
- minor API modification : allow to unset the hole flag on a face
- modify uniform / adaptive FarMeshFactory to be aware of the flag
- make the FarSubdivisionTableFactory assert when finding unconnected HBR vertices (as it should)
* Uniform subdivision :
The refinement scheme only creates faces & vertices necessary
to maintain the one-ring around the edges of a hole, so this solution
is quite efficient.
* Adaptive subdivision :
At the moment we are still performing full topological analysis on holes and
only skipping patches associated to holes. This is sub-optimal in 2 ways :
1. the topological analysis can potentially be cranking on a lot of unnecessary
2. even though we may not be drawing the patches, the compute stage is still
applying kernels on all the control vertices of these patches.
We will have to revisit feature adaptive subdivision & holes, so keep the issue active.
- add bool OsdGLDrawContext::SupportsAdaptiveTessellation() method
- modify glViewer to use that instead of #ifdefs
Note : this is not the final word on this as OSD really needs a more comprehensive
system to provide run-time information about available features to the client code.
- remove ptexViewer from the build on OSX (doesnt work)
- remove maya plugins from the build on OSX (until we have a compatible version available)
glViewer fixes :
- fix incorrect GLFW version check in #ifdefs (now done in cmake)
- fix default program GL version (downgraded to 1.5 where necessary)
- remove non core-profile GL calls (triggering errors)
this should allow OSX 10.7 builds to produce a functional, if restricted, glViewer.
- add #ifdefs to work around the different versions of glfw
- add cmake logic to parse other packages versions and set minimum requirements
- fix X11 dependencies for static builds of glfw
- general Find.cmake cleanup
In example code, GLUT has been replaced with GLFW so that glViewer/ptexViewer can run on OSX (10.7 or later).
OSX note: still have some problem with clang, may need to explicitly specify gcc on cmake cmdline