See for an example.
PyBullet: Expose p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(solverResidualThreshold=1e-2) (b3PhysicsParamSetSolverResidualThreshold), increases solver performance a lot
PyBullet: Expose p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(contactSlop) Set it to zero, to avoid issues with restitution.
PyBullet: Expose isNumpyEnabled, return True is PyBullet was compiled with NUMPY support for 'getCameraImage'.
PyBullet: Expose p.ChangeDynamics(objectUid, linkIndex, contactProcessingThreshold), to avoid issues of speculative/predictive contacts with restitution.
See also
See also data\toys\concave_box.urdf and data\toys\concave_box.cdf
data\toys\concave_box.cdf was generated from concave_box.obj using
//GenerateSDF.exe -r "32 32 32" -d "-1.6 -1.6 -.6 1.6 1.6 .6" concave_box.obj
//SDF is based on code from DiscreGrid,
(due to local convex-triangle collisions causing opposite contact normals, use the pre-computed edge normal)
PyBullet: expose experimental continuous collision detection for maximal coordinate rigid bodies, to prevent tunneling.
use URDF_GLOBAL_VELOCITIES_MB flag in PyBullet loadURDF.
fix due to new fields in getJointInfo.
backward compabitibility: BulletMJCFImporter, keep creating btMultiSphereShape for MJCF capsules with fromto, instead of shifted btCapsuleShapeZ, unless if CUF_USE_IMPLICIT_CYLINDER is used.
p.loadURDF("r2d2.urdf", flags=p.URDF_USE_IMPLICIT_CYLINDER)
allow to enable/disable deterministicOverlappingPairs through an API
p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(deterministicOverlappingPairs = False)
Use btCylinderShapeZ for URDF cylinder, instead of converting it to a btConvexHullShape.
Implement PyBullet.getCollisionShapeData
Extend PyBullet.getDynamicsInfo / b3GetDynamicsInfo, remove flag (don't rely on API returning a fixed number of elements in a list!)
Extend PyBullet.getJointInfo: add parentIndex
render the inertia boxes in examples/pybullet/examples/ and examples/pybullet/examples/
fix an issue where the original margin (0.04) was used to compute the inertia, instead of latest margin
option to disable tinyrenderer, use p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_TINY_RENDERER,0)
also make sure to use p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,0) before loadURDF, and enable rendering afterwards using p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,1)
reorder 2 loops, making the flip texels twice as fast (cache coherency),
single memcpy of entire texture in tinyrenderer, instead of per-pixel copy (memory layout is the same)
add lots of B3_PROFILE timings, to see where time is going
fix in indexing for maximal coordinates (unused by default, still experimental, requires many iterations for Minitaur due to extreme mass-ratio, hence use of reduces/generalized coordinates)
modify to test maximal coordinates
wrap angular servo (positional) target within [-PI,PI] in btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint
add 'j' key to show body frames in wireframe/debug mode