Remove roof from kitchens/1.sdf, otherwise shadows and shinyness won't work (light is outside the room, bouncing against roof-top)
Make kuka_iiwa/model.urdf more smooth, use .obj for per-vertex normals (using Blender, import STL, export OBJ, enable triangles, normals and Z-UP, Y forward)
fix in b3HashString
remove many unused dependencies from (time,math, datetime ,numpy,pylab ,sys, os, fnmatch,argparse were not used!)
move block_grasp_log.bin from Bullet3/data to Bullet3/examples/pybullet/examples/data folder.
PhysicsServerCommandProcessor, derive from CommandProcessorInterface to prepare for different back-end implementation
Bullet C-API b3ChangeDynamicsInfoSetSpinningFriction/RollingFriction/Resitution
b3PhysicsParamSetRestitutionVelocityThreshold, / pybullet.setPhysicsEngineParameter restitutionVelocityThreshold:
if the velocity is below this threshhold, the restitution is zero (this prevents energy buildup at near-resting state)
pybullet example.
implement friction anchors, position friction correction, disabled by default. Use colObj->setCollisionFlag(flag | CF_HAS_FRICTION_ANCHOR); See test/RobotClientAPI/SlopeFrictionMain.cpp. In URDF or SDF, add <friction_anchor/> in <contact> section of <link> to enable.
PhysicsServer: properly restore old activation state after releasing picked object
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver: disable flip/flop of contact/friction constraint solving by default (it breaks some internal flaky unit tests)
added test urdf files for minitaur with all fixed joints, or fixed knees.
added some stiffness/damping to minitaur legs (testing)
tiny_obj_loader, don't crash on invalid texture coordinates
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver: sweep back and forward to reduce asymmetry
- resetDebugVisualizerCamera now accepts negative values for pitch and
yaw angles
- Defining kitchen model to be concave, so as to be able to put floating
objects inside
- Fixed an indention error in
add minitaur quadruped playback of minitaur log files (real robot and simulated create the same log files)
add improved minitaur.urdf file, see for a preview.
add missing 1.sdf for Bullet/data/kitchens/1.sdf
add support for getting keyboard events (pybullet.getKeyboardEvents and b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI::getKeyboardEvents)
tune gripper grasp example with tefal pan, 800Newton force.
URDF importer: if using single transform 1 child shape, don't use compound shape.
if renderGUI is false, don't intercept mouse clicks
add example (performance is pretty bad, will look into it)
[pybullet] expose contactBreakingThreshold
added b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand, to retrieve body info, when connecting to a server with existing bodies
pybullet will call this b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand automatically after connecting
Avoid overriding the py.setVRCameraState setting in VR