when converting existing objects to convex hull or mesh
One more method added to set spring equilibrium point directly for btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint
Deal with broken DNA serialization. Bullet 2.76 release revision 2035 - 2046 was broken, and this includes the Maya Dynamica plugin.
Added some workaround to deal with the broken .bullet files, instead of crashing.
Introduced generated unique id's, instead of the pointer address to avoid 64bit->32bit truncation issues
Use serializer->getUniquePointer instead of directly using a pointer
moved ChunkUtils::getNextBlock to bFile::getNextBlock.
Moved 'TEST_BACKWARD_FORWARD_COMPATIBILITY' to bDNA.cpp. Enable the define for further testing of .bullet format
Removed duplicate definitions and use the one in LinearMath/btSerialization.h
improve serialization based on feedback: make it easier to serialize a single object, or single shape, or single bvh.
Modified Bullet/Demos/ConcaveDemo to use btSerializer to serialize the btOptimizedBvh (or optionally the trimesh+bvh)
You can also serialize trimesh without BVH, use:
serializer->setSerializationFlags(BT_SERIALIZE_NO_BVH);// or BT_SERIALIZE_NO_TRIANGLEINFOMAP
Add flags to disable bvh and triangleinfomap serialization
Toggle between point to point and generic 6dof constraint for mouse picking in the demos
Use a 'equal vertex thresdhold' in the btVoronoiSimplexSolver of 0.0001f by default.
This can be disabled (or configured) using defaultCollisionConfiguration->getSimplexSolver()->setEqualVertexThreshold(0.f);
See http://code.google.com/p/bullet/issues/detail?id=305
move btTriangleInfoMap.h into its own header, into the BulletCollision/CollisionShapes folder
add btTriangleInfoMap pointer to btBvhTriangleMeshShape, so we don't need to use the 'userpointer' anymore
preparation for serialization of btTriangleInfoMap.
See also http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4603&start=30
So it is different from the in-place method (btQuantizedBvh::serializeInPlace/deserializeInPlace).
It is also possible to serialize/deserialize just the bvh, using the btSerializer (needs some code snippet/helper)
See also http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4770
moved some obsolete files to Extras/obsolete, and removed freeglut
moved ColladaDemo to Dynamica Maya plugin repository (it has COLLADA_DOM and libxml), see http://dynamica.googlecode.com
Added new .bullet file
Minor update in Bullet_User_Manual.pdf, removed obsolete Bullet_Faq.pdf
Serialization: remove obsolete autogenerated headers
Minor changes in btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver: split methods to make it easier to derive from the class and add functionality.