implement friction anchors, position friction correction, disabled by default. Use colObj->setCollisionFlag(flag | CF_HAS_FRICTION_ANCHOR); See test/RobotClientAPI/SlopeFrictionMain.cpp. In URDF or SDF, add <friction_anchor/> in <contact> section of <link> to enable.
PhysicsServer: properly restore old activation state after releasing picked object
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver: disable flip/flop of contact/friction constraint solving by default (it breaks some internal flaky unit tests)
added test urdf files for minitaur with all fixed joints, or fixed knees.
added some stiffness/damping to minitaur legs (testing)
tiny_obj_loader, don't crash on invalid texture coordinates
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver: sweep back and forward to reduce asymmetry
- resetDebugVisualizerCamera now accepts negative values for pitch and
yaw angles
- Defining kitchen model to be concave, so as to be able to put floating
objects inside
- Fixed an indention error in
add minitaur quadruped playback of minitaur log files (real robot and simulated create the same log files)
add improved minitaur.urdf file, see for a preview.
add missing 1.sdf for Bullet/data/kitchens/1.sdf
add support for getting keyboard events (pybullet.getKeyboardEvents and b3RobotSimulatorClientAPI::getKeyboardEvents)
tune gripper grasp example with tefal pan, 800Newton force.
URDF importer: if using single transform 1 child shape, don't use compound shape.
if renderGUI is false, don't intercept mouse clicks
add example (performance is pretty bad, will look into it)
[pybullet] expose contactBreakingThreshold
added b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand, to retrieve body info, when connecting to a server with existing bodies
pybullet will call this b3InitSyncBodyInfoCommand automatically after connecting
Avoid overriding the py.setVRCameraState setting in VR
always pass in width, hight and viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, optionally lightDir
added helper methods computeViewMatrix, computeViewMatrixFromYawPitchRoll, computeProjectionMatrix, computeProjectionMatrixFOV
see Bullet/examples/pybullet/ + for example use
add missing base_link.stl for husky.urdf
update to OpenVR sdk 1.03 from
add camPosX/Y/Z and camRotZ to adjust relative camera/world transform for VR (so you can align virtual table with real table etc)
tweak to move a bit
add mouse picking to physics server